Thursday 1 September 2022

Tory audience at Wembley Arena Leadership Hustings greeted by critical demonstration

Green New Deal Rising

Brent Labour councillors (and Steven Bray)

                                                      Greens say #enoughisenough time to End Tory Rule

Self-employed demonstrate against the retrosprctive loan charge 

NEU, SWP, Stop Rwanda

The NHS - 38 degrees

The venue for the last Tory Leadership hustings was kept under wraps until the last minute so the demonstration to voice our feelings was very hastily organised.  Several groups did manage to turn up to voice their views to the Tory faithful as they queued to get into the Wembley Arena.

The Labour Group on Brent Council had their meeting at 6pm, the  same time as the demonstration, but came out of the Civic Centre, which is opposite the Arena, for a few minutes show of solidarity.

A senior policeman appeared to have decided I was organising things and came over to tell me that the boss of Quintain was okay about us demonstrating but would not be happy at us getting too close to the queueing Conservatives or at us shouting in their faces (we were at least 2 metres away).  He asked me to move 'your' group to 'stand with those ladies over there' (the women from Green New Deal Rising)!

Arena Square was surrounded by Heras fencing so we had to stand on Wembley Boulevard, the private property of Quintain Ltd. His comments were an incidental lesson in the politics of the privatisation of public space. Quintain were doing us a favour by 'allowing' us to demonstrate.

And Steve Bray was very patient with the police...



  1. Well done!!!!! I wish I had been there.

  2. Good to see that Brent Labour Group could spare a few minutes from their closed meeting on how to govern us badly in order to protest against a Conservative closed meeting on how to govern us badly!!!
