Wednesday 22 July 2009


North Brent MP, Barry Gardiner, may need to rethink his support for academies and other forms of privatisation after his experience with St. Christopher's School, a private school in Wembley.

St. Christopher's, which is run by Happy Child, told Year 5 parents in May that they would not run a Year 6 class in September, leaving them only two months to find a new school for their children. Ms Tracey Story, managing director of Happy Child, told Gardiner, who was seeking help for the parents concerned, that she was not prepared to discuss 'Happy Child's decision to ensure the viability of our business'.

Gardiner lamented in the Royal Assent Adjournment debate on Tuesday that, 'There was not one mention of regret or the effect on the children and their lives, or the breach of contract with parents'. He urged the deputy Leader of the House of Commons to take the issue up with the appropriate minister in the Department for Children.

Unfortunately this take it or leave it mentality is symptomatic of the private sector. Perhaps Gardiner will now put his weight behind publicly accountable and democratically managed local services.


  1. What a disgraceful way to run a school. Children attending all their primary life and then not able to complete their final and very important last year! How can they be allowed to do this? If I was paying all that money I would be very annoyed. I think I would give this school a miss and look for a more reputable school. You never know what they might do next!

  2. I've heard this school has a few other problems. Apparently parents were standing in front of the school last year with a petition to the company that own the school, trying to get the toilets repaired to some sort of standard. Other things to.

  3. Yep, I think its well known that this school has faced problems following my year's departure. I seem to remember broken windows didn't get fixed, the facilities were always poor (though what can you expect from a converted house)but most noticeably, admissions became lower and lower. When I was there I think there were about 120.. latest I've heard there is half that.
