Tuesday 28 February 2012

Make sure you get to vote in the Dollis Hill by-election

New applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Brent Town Hall by midnight on Wednesday 7 March 2012.

New applications to vote by post or applications to change existing postal vote details must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Brent Town Hall by 5pm on Wednesday 7 March 2012.

New applications to vote by proxy must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 14 March 2012. However if you are a postal voter and you wish to appoint a proxy you will need to cancel your postal vote by 5pm on Wednesday 7 March 2012.

New applications to vote by proxy on the grounds of medical emergency must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Thursday 22 March 2012.

1 comment:

  1. The current regime of Lib Dem councillors in Dollis Hill do very little for the people within the area apart from show face in campaign leaflets and on your door when they require your vote.

    Residents can't park in or around Humber Road, visitors can't park to access the local shops or post office on Humber Road, Residents can't pull in to allow traffic to flow on Humber Road, visitors passing through Humber Road can't pull in, tailbacks on Humber Road are a daily occurrence and turns allot of people off from coming into the area.

    If another Lib Dem councillor gets elected, they're only accountable to themselves. A little competition from another party keeps everyone on their toes and delivers the best deal for the electorate who pick up their salary tab.
