Tuesday 3 April 2012

Brent Housing Partnership Talkback meeting and surgery tonight

Brent Housing Partnership, Brent Council's 'arm's length' social housing provider, is holding its first  ever Residents' Talkback Forum tonight at Brent Town Hall. The BHP's Chief Executive Gerry Doherty, will be there as well as senior managers and other staff. The 7-9pm Talkback session will be preceded by a 'Surgery' between 5.30 and 7pm where residents can ask about repairs, anti-social behaviour, rent, leasehold or estate services. The meetings will be held upstairs at the Town Hall in Committee Rooms 1,2 and 3.

The BHP faces an uncertain future with the possibility that Brent Council will bring social housing back in-house in the future.


  1. its really amazing...100,000 people die every year in this country from lung and throat cancer and the government do little or nothing in response.
    yet here they are falling over themselves to save money...even if it means people are left in a vunerable position.
    don't get me wrong I don't think the government are responsible for keeping people...but if people despite looking for work can't get a job they should be able to turn to a benefits system that will make sure they are ok until they can provide for themselves again.
    if politicians can afford to pay themselves huge salaries for the work they do...why are they forever trying to make people feel the well is almost dry?
    is britain really that impoverished?
    and if so who really is to blame for that?

  2. The benefit system was designed for the sole purpose you describe. It's unfortunate the 'system' was taken advantage of.

    The United Kingdom is actually bankrupt and the reason why the bank of England continues to print 'currency'

    The Local Don.
