Friday 27 July 2012

Kids bored already - will this help?

A little  girl stopped me on the Chalkhill Estate yesterday and rather forlornly asked me when school started again. She was bored and missed her teachers and friends and wanted to go back to school This was only day 4 of the 6 week summer holiday!

Ten years or more again, many Brent primary schools hosted summer play schemes, usually lasting for 4 weeks with activities, outings, and inter-playscheme competitions. Since then funds have dried up and the subsequent costs are too much for many families. The schemes were also affected by the amount of building work going on in the summer holiday in many schools which made them unavailable for hire.

Events for older children are available but have to be booked on-line and again entail charges. Details on:

Luckily Chalkhill Community Action have secured funding for 12 days activities connected with the Olympic Games for Chalkhill children aged 8-18: The Chalkhill Games. Tonight there will be a viewing of the Opening Ceremony at the Chalkhill Community Centre (Welford Centre, 113 Chalkhill Road)  from 8.30pm and Chalkhill's Own Show tomorrow from 3-6pm in the Large Hall.

Subsequently, from Monday there will be activities from 2-5pm including quizzes, traditional games, making French skipping ropes and paper gliders, athletics and team games. Saturday 11th August will be for Under 5s only.

The activities are FREE but parents are asked to be responsible for their children outside the stated times and make arrangements to bring them and pick them up.

Further information from Kath-Fraser Jackson Phone 020 8904 0976  07931 842 158

1 comment:

  1. Martin,
    Did you by chance see the car Tyre hanging from a tree on chalk hill road?

    I view that as the best sign yet of how the council does not even bother to provide adequate playgrounds for children.
    I mean if people are resorting to swinging from a Tyre tied to a tree( which could be a danger to children BTW)...that suggests that the council are ignoring the needs of local children.
    also since they are considering cutting hot school dinners for children I don't think it would matter to them that children don't have anywhere to go and play during the 6 week summer break.
    again this makes me glad I am beyond school age but I feel sorry for those that are still @ school...the country they are growing up in is going from bad to worse by the day.
