Saturday 21 July 2012

Wembley Olympics - summer jams ahead?

With Lorraine King at the Kilburn Times managing to get Transport for London to admit that they have rephased traffic lights ahead of the Olympics LINK, resulting in tailbacks; road closures on Wednesday for the Torch procession, and Olympic lanes around venues, advice to residents not to use Wembley Park station, we can expect some confusion in the weeks ahead. 

The video below attempts to explain the restrictions.  It has collected a number of critical comments, including some suggesting that the arrangements are really for corporate sponsors, rather than athletes and officials as the video claims. 

1 comment:

  1. I just think it is a joke that the Olympics is being over promoted in wembley...First of all Wembley is full of tobacco addicts and shop keepers who are willing to continue taking money in return for health and life destroying Cigarettes.
    second thing is the pavements in wembley alone resemble one huge ash tray and as far as I know sport and smoking don't match.
    imagine if all the people taking part in the Olympics were tobacco addicts like so many of the people in wembley?
    They would get very far and would be easily beaten because smoking breaks and weakens the human body rather than strengthen and build it up.
