Monday 15 October 2012

More discoveries in Fryent Country Park

Hot on the heels of the discovery by Year 1 pupils from Oliver Goldsmith Primary School of a water stick insect, Ranatra linearis, a few weeks ago, another class also found something unusual last week.

The pond stick insect, confusingly, is not really a stick insect and Year 4s from Michael Sobell Sinai Primary School found a worm that is not a worm.

They found a slow worm which is not a worm and not a snake. It is a lizard which through evolution has lost its legs.  The children found an adult (below) and a juvenile in a seldom disturbed section of Fryent Country Park. As ths is a protected species we will try and make sure it remains undisturbed.



  1. You have proof it evolved? Give me a break!

  2. Yes it has evidences of evolution it's called science.God doesn't exist. flying away... :)
