Saturday 16 February 2013

Barry Gardiner quizzes Michael Gove on Michaela Free School

A Brent North resident writes:
I thought followers of Wembley Matters  might be interested in the copy letter below. It appears that I was one of several people to contact our MP raising concerns about the proposed Free School at Wembley Park. Barry Gardiner has put our questions to Michael Gove, and has promised to forward a copy of his response as soon as he receives it.
When Gove and David Cameron launched their latest list of approved Free School bids in July last year, it showed that its funding for the Michaela Community School was on the basis that it was to meet demand for a Free School in Lambeth, which it highlighted as a deprived area. I know that Brent has some deprived areas as well, and our schools do need to be fairly funded; but it seems unfair that the money for this school should be taken away from Lambeth, where there is the need and apparently the demand for it, and spent in Wembley Park, where I am not aware of any such demand.
Barry Gardiner's letter to Michael Gove:
Click on image to enlarge


  1. There is a shortage of secondary places coming up in Brent as the increased number of children in the primary sector works through but Brent Council is faced with having no real control over planning provision with the majority of secondary schools now academies and no say in free schools. The Michaela Free School will be just across the road from the Ark Academy and 5 minutes from Preston Manor School. The private independent French School for 1,000 pupils will be opeing at the Town Hall next year. Meanwhile the South of Brent is left with just a handful of schools.

    More on:

  2. Its a good thing Wembley Park is served by two Underground lines and many bus services! Good connectivity which should mean that the children going to the Lycee or Michaela should have access to high quality public transport. (A green policy surely?) Those of us living in the catchment area for John Kelly (the borough's sink school) are very glad for some choice - as there is no way we can get our kids into Preston Manor.
