Sunday 24 February 2013

Lobby Brent Council on Monday-Stop the Cuts

1 comment:

  1. Cuts
    what a Joke...although I'm not laughing of course but I laugh at the vain attempts by the Government to save this sinking ship of a country by forcing through all these cuts as a desperate attempt to prevent financial ruin right?
    now of course that isn't the wrong thing to do of course but it's just strange how when it's the economy under threat all of a sudden these politicians who despite being aware of the amount of people dying needlessly from self inflicted diseases like lung and throat cancer plus knowing that treating those self inflicted diseases adds a heavy financial burden to the already financially burdened NHS
    suddenly wake up and start making tough decisions to prevent financial ruin to the British economy?
    the impression I am left with is that the government use us to support the economy by allowing us to abuse ourselves with tobacco simply cause the amount they get from tax revenue runs into the billions?
    and yet that method is obviously seriously flawed plus it increases the problems affecting the NHS but yet the government continues to argue that it believes that the British public have the right to smoke...but smoking causes lung and throat causes 100's of 1000s of people to die every has also turned the pavements in Brent for example into new style ashtrays and dustbins for empty cigarette boxes.
    it pollutes the already seriously air that we that are non smokers are forced to breathe each day simply cause our government believe that those that smoke should now be forced by law to abuse themselves aka smoking out in the streets.
    and when I have to walk the dirty streets of Brent all I see is cigarette butts everywhere clearly showing that there is a serious problem with smoking in this country but the government clearly don't view smoking as a serious problem because it is the way it supports the economy remember.
    it should be unthinkable but it is actually true that the government actually supports the economy by allowing us to abuse ourselves with tobacco.
    and then even when that creates a serious problem that even affects the NHS the government carry on with their reckless approach
    while they take a very serious approach to the damaged economy.
    I shake my head in disbelief.
    Everywhere I go in this Dirty haven of exploitation and torment I see posters designed to make the public aware of the cuts being forced through and yet I look down at the dirty cracked uneven pavements that are also used as ashtrays and dustbins for empty fag boxes and I can't help thinking that there is a far more serious problem with smoking in this country and yet the government approach or response is oh just let the public carry on abusing themselves!
    but when it comes to the economy they will do anything to save it.
    that gives the impression that they view money as the most important thing in life?
    that convinces me all the more about what the apostle Paul wrote about why the times we are currently suffering (not living) in would be critical and hard to deal with because men would foremost be lovers of money...lovers of themselves...fierce...without love of goodness...having a false show of godly devotion but proving false to its power to change people for the better.
    those words were written 1000,s years ago but have clearly come true.
    and Trust me the man telling us that Britain is Broken is not the man with the solution to mend Britain...NO WAY.
    He and his colleagues are about as Trustworthy as the rebellious wicked angel in the garden of Eden now commonly known as Satan
    The devil.
