Thursday 20 June 2013

GMB strike action in Brighton suspended

Strike action by CityClean GMB  in Brighton members has been suspended for 28 days from  Monday to allow a ballot of members on a Council offer to take place. The offer is preliminary until the formal consultation period is completed. The offer will be discussed with Unison tomorrow and other areas will  need to be negotiated with both unions.

I understand that the work-to-rule is also suspended and there will be an extensive clean up and catch-up work programmed in now for the next fortnight.

Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, tweeted tonight:
Thanks to @gmbcityclean for returning to work while ballot members on council offer - importance of their work appreciated more than ever


  1. What a mess - are you calling for Green Council Leader Jason Kitcat to resign?

    1. Yes I am one of many Green Party members who have signed an open letter calling for his resignation. The mishandling of the issue has done much damage to the Green Party and the whole trajectory of the Council's strategy requires debate.
