Thursday 6 June 2013

Up-market Wembley ditches Wembley Market

 The Wembley and Willesden Observer LINK reports that Quintain have given the Wembley Sunday Market notice to quit the site is has occupied for more than 40 years. The popular market, often in the news for raids on traders in bogus and counterfeit goods, does not seem to match the developers' plans for the area.

The hotels, multi-screen cinema and 'life style' apartments planned will be served by the Wembley Designer Outlet which is nearing completion. Instead of the cheap and cheerful Wembley Market Quintain envisage a:
To complement the outlet, Quintain plan to introduce a new and contemporary programme of artisan markets and events across the site, replacing the existing Sunday market with a more diverse and varied offering
Wendy Fair Markets who run the Sunday market say they are looking for alternative sites but Quintain who own most of the land surrounding the stadium have made it clear that their land will not be available to them.

1 comment:

  1. This story continues to astound me, that the developer should be able to simple eradicate a market which has been present for more than 40 years from land (parking spaces) which they must provide publicly as a condition of their section 106 agreements. The varied offer they are talking about must be intended to attract the drone-like class who they expect to occupy their luxury flats, all considered, it amounts to a form of social cleansing.
