Monday 22 July 2013

Labour's council candidates for 2014 revealed

I've had quite a few people, from all local political parties, chasing me for news of the Labour nominations for the 2014 Brent Council elections. Below is the information I have been able to glean so far. I am not sure of the Brondesbury Park group as I understood Labour was delaying selection in the hope of getting a female candidate - the three names I have are all male.

Any additional information for the 'thrid candidates' or corrections welcome.

Candidates for Local Elections 2014
James Allie, Bhagwanji Chohan, Mili Patel
Barn Hill
Shafique Choudhury, Sarah Marquis, Michael Pavey
Brondesbury Park
Terry Hoad, Michael Adeyeye,  David Lister
Dollis Hill
Parvez Ahmed, Arshad Mahmood, (third to be confirmed)
Dudden Hill
Aslam Choudry, Krupesh Hirani, Janice Long
George Crane, Ruth Moher, Shama Tatler.
Aisha Eniola, Lloyd McLeish, Bobby Thomas
Kensal Green
Dan Filson, Claudia Hector, Matt Kelcher
Nadhim Ahmed, Syed Alam, (third to be confirmed)

Rita Conneely, John Duffy, Tayo Oladapo

Northwick Park
Lia Colacicco, Mustafa Field,  Ahmad Shazad,
Margaret McLennan,  Joshua Murray,  Keith Perrin
Matt Bradley, Pat Harrison, Jean Hossain
Queen's Park
James Denselow, Neil Nerva, Ellie Southwood
Sandra Kabir, Kana Naheerathan, Ramesh Patel
Ernest Ezeajughi, Cheryl Henry, Zaffar Van Kalwala
Abdi Aden, Mary Daly, Aisha Hoda Benn
Muhammed Butt, Orleen Hylton, Ketan Sheth
Welsh Harp
Amer Agha, Harbi Farah, Roxanne Mashari
Wembley Central
Wilhelmina Mitchell Murray, Krupa Sheth, Sam Stopp
Willesden Green
Bernard Collier, Lesley Jones, Tom Miller.

Some of the newcomers are worth checking out. Tom Miller (Willesden Green) has attracted controversy for his involvement with Labour List and association with Derek Draper who along with Damian McBride worked on plans to smear Opposition MPs under the last Labour Government. More on this website which compares him to The Office's Gareth. LINK

Sam Stopp has set up his own website which is notable for the fact that he refers to himself as Sam throughout LINK, The earth-shaking headlines include 'Sam Attends Full Council Meeting' - he sat in the public gallery! His key priority is rubbish - caused by his Labour colleagues cuts to street sweeping!


  1. Some people are also asking questions about Sam Stopp's previous employment which is thought to include a period spent working for a Conservative MP.

    1. He's packed a lot in, including a starring role in 'My Fair Lady' at his school, internship at Trafalgar International, rep for i Pharm and currently helps Tesco Clubcard track your purchases in order to sell you more.

      A real solid member of the working class...

      but no sign of working for a Tory MP.

    2. Who did he play in 'My Fair Lady'? Discerning voters need to know

  2. Looks like Brondesbury Park has got the rejects again. They struggled to get a quorate meeting for the selection and they can't muster a single solitary female to stand

  3. You're honestly quoting ToryBear as a credible source for something?

    I notice that your paragraph is very carefully worded - for the record, the McBride emails are not something I had knowledge of until they were on Sky News, however easy it is to insinuate otherwise.

    I would also like to put on record that my politics are at the polar opposite end of the Labour Party to those of Derek Draper - I note that you don't mention my previous association with Tribune or Compass, or SERA, or the left in Young Labour.

  4. Very shiny new lot of candidates, squeaky clean and, they hope, untainted by library closures. But really the cleansing doesn't go far enough. How some of these people have the gall to stand again is beyond me. James Allie has not attended a council meeting for several months since he defected from the LibDems to Labour - why is he judged fit to stand again other than to rub the noses of LibDems in it?

    Krupa Sheth is a joke, good for nothing other than planted questions at council meetings (that is, when she can be bothered to look up from her mobile phone). Some of the others who are restanding have been abject failures as representatives, barely open their mouths in the council chamber and are poor at dealing with residents' problems.

    A few of the new candidates seem to be "career politicians", either working for MPs or as political organisers. Its a shame Labour don't seem to be attracting many truly grassroots community campaigners (although there are 1 or 2 exceptions on the list). Whether they win the election or not, I think it will take more than this lot to give Brent residents back some confidence in their elected authority.

  5. I think Labour party needs to re-select their candidate in Harlesden,Stonebridge and Welsh harp as some candidates are unsuitable to select or to stand for election.

  6. As we are Harlesden residents we need good and experience councillors the selected candidate for election 2014 at Harlesden two of them do not have quality and knowledge to do the job.

  7. I strongly agree that the candidates in Harlesden, Stonebridge and Welsh harp as some of them are not qualified to select or even to elect. Last night I attended meeting for local resident in Harlesden and Stonebridge as they want to select an independent candidate unless Labour party reselect suitable candidates. I have been living in Stonebridge last 55 years and I was supporting Labour Party please we need to reselect some of them those candidates.

  8. I can tell you there were private agendas in play for all three of those wards (Harlesden, Stonebridge, Welsh Harp). Harlesden had a suitable sitting Councillor get deselected and at least one other who was better qualified than the rest.

  9. Wonder what happen to Harlesden and Stonebridge Councillors, Councillor Ann, Maloney and Janice Long. They are very bright and experience Councillors. As we know that Councillor Ann John was the leader and she was doing good job for the borough.
    No doubt that the Labour Party will win more Councillors in the coming election but we need to have

  10. Janice is standing in Dudden Hill where she will prove an outstanding ocuncillor.

    ".. but we need ot have ... " More Tories? More LibDems?

    I don't think much of poeple posting here anonymously.

  11. Thanks Dan. All credit to you for using your name. I am not keen on Anon either and encourage people to use their names in comments. Part of the problem is that on blogspot it is easiest to post as anonymous but commenters can always add their name at the end of a comment.
