Wednesday 4 September 2013

Disabled People's Week of Action - today's Westminster activities

From DPAC (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Four themed ‘blocks’ will meet at 4 Government departments, central to the lives of disabled people. After handing over our demands, blocks will then move towards Parliament where we will formally launch the UK Disabled People’s Manifesto and present our demands to our elected representatives.

 Choose your ‘block’ and meet at 12.45pm at one of:

 Department for Education to oppose government attacks on inclusive education and a return to segregation
(SanctuaryBuildings, 20 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BT)

 Department of Energy and Climate Change if you’re angry about the numbers of disabled people living in fuel poverty while the energy companies rake in ever growing profits
(3 Whitehall Pl, City of Westminster, SW1A 2AW)

 Department for Transport to challenge inaccessible transport, the opening of new inaccessible stations for Crossrail and proposed cuts to rail staff further reducing customer assistance
(Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Rd, London SW1P 4DR)

 Department of Health to defend our NHS and demand our right to levels of social care support enabling choice, control, dignity and independence
(Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NS)

5 – 6pm – launch of the UK Disabled People’s Manifesto
in Westminster.
 Four themed ‘blocks’ will meet at 4 Government departments, central to the lives of disabled people. After handing over our demands, blocks will then move towards Parliament where we will formally launch the UK Disabled People’s Manifesto and present our demands to our elected representatives.
 Choose your ‘block’ and meet at 12.45pm at one of:
 Department for Education to oppose government attacks on inclusive education and a return to segregation
(SanctuaryBuildings, 20 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BT)
 Department of Energy and Climate Change if you’re angry about the numbers of disabled people living in fuel poverty while the energy companies rake in ever growing profits
(3 Whitehall Pl, City of Westminster, SW1A 2AW)
 Department for Transport to challenge inaccessible transport, the opening of new inaccessible stations for Crossrail and proposed cuts to rail staff further reducing customer assistance
(Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Rd, London SW1P 4DR)
 Department of Health to defend our NHS and demand our right to levels of social care support enabling choice, control, dignity and independence
(Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NS)
5 – 6pm – launch of the UK Disabled People’s Manifesto
- See more at:


  1. Martin,
    I'm glad you Posted about Disabled People and Why They are feeling increasingly Distressed over government plans to cut benefits etc.
    I take on board that the cost of Looking after the unemployed and disabled is ever increasing and that if left to grow then things would get out of hand.
    but there must be other ways of reducing the cost of the welfare bill rather than just making extreme cuts all across the board.
    Those that are able to work should of course be encouraged to take the opportunities available to help them find a job
    but for those that due to severe disabilities physical and Mental
    are unable to work They should not be made to feel scared or threatened by the cuts being made.
    after all That is likely to make them feel depressed which is a Illness that if Left to grow can Lead to strong feelings of wanting to end one's Life and that is the last Thing anyone should feel
    regardless of their state of health.
    also due to everyone being imperfect it is to be expected that there will be problems that arise as the government attempt to bring about changes to the welfare system and inspire a sense of self sufficiency.
    one thing the government must address is this growing cause for complaint against energy companies raking in huge profits while poor vulnerable People are forced to pay more to keep warm during the winter.
    That is clearly unjust and should not be allowed to continue if it is proved to actually be happening on a daily basis?
    you see Martin, again this is another example as to why I feel so upset because we have come so far from the days when the country was on its needs during the war times i.e. 1914 onwards.
    and now we are meant to be Living during a peaceful period, more and more people particularly the poor and Vulnerable feel insecure and have cause for complaint especially when they see powerful companies becoming richer while they become poorer and find it increasingly difficult to keep themselves warm during the winter.
    really the times we live in should be so much different.
    people should not be living in fuel poverty.
    people should not be going hungry and finding it increasingly hard to pay for good food.
    and finding a job should not be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
    and We should not have cause to feel insecure because of Growing environmental problems.
    Martin None of the above inspire confidence or reduce stress
    rather they increase stress and reduce confidence.
    for good reason then a spotlight needs to be shone on ministers in order to make clear to the public what they have been doing since 1914 onwards and Why conditions are so bad now
    rather than better?

  2. Martin
    I want to follow up my previous post by posting another and use this as a opportunity to remind the government that they need to take care in how they do things.
    1. Martin...I know That I often raise the issue about smoking in my posts and for good reason I do so because it clearly is a extremely destructive thing and serves no good purpose in society and therefore should be removed without question.
    2.environmental issues are very important because this is our home and we are responsible for it and if we neglect it we are the ones that will suffer as time has shown and proved.
    3.Good education is very important because Time has shown that it gives people an advantage and is obviously very beneficial and therefore it should be allowed to become something that is limited to the rich which would not only be unjust but would not benefit society on whole.
    4.good food is very important and is absolutely essential to ensuring that society grows and continues growing.
    Therefore less fast food shops and more shops that sell good healthy food is what is needed.
    because then there will be less people with health problems caused by the consumption of Too much fast food
    and the environment will improve because there will be Less Litter Dropped on the ground by people that have brought and consumed fast food.
    Martin I think if the four objectives were Taken on board and worked towards we in society would see a much needed improvement and Then would understand what is needed in order to build a good society.
