Friday 13 September 2013

Protest at Brent Council's 'High Risk' Meals on Wheels changes

From Brent Fightback (see my previous posting on this proposal HERE)

Brent Fightback is calling a protest at the Civic Centre this coming Monday (16th September) from 6.30pm  to protest at the proposal that Brent Council hand over the delivery of the meals on wheels service to “a range of local charities, communities and businesses”.

The Brent Executive is set to approve the proposals at their meeting that evening.

Currently, the meals on wheels service is outsourced. However, rather than a proposal which would cut out the profit-makers, this proposal is purely about cutting cost (by 50%). This decision will lead to cuts in quality of the meals, and pay (are the charities/community groups using unpaid volunteers?), the council's own risk assessment evaluates "Lack of market capacity leads to service users going without meals" = High!
ie. most vulnerable, elderly and sick could be left without access to meals!

1 comment:

  1. any complaints made to the council I think will be in vain because just look at the way the council allow street bins to be left overflowing, attracting flies and vermin which of course puts public health @ risk
    but also the fact that the cracked uneven pavements that we walk and trip over have become new style ashtray and dustbins for empty cigarette boxes speaks volumes about how serious the council take protecting public health.
    all the above are heartbreaking realities and since they are true then it should not surprise us that the council are starting to neglect the elderly and vulnerable in this borough.
    bees do a better of looking after themselves than this council does regarding the elderly.
    and one more thing
    on the boxes of cigarettes there is a reminder that smoking kills...and the fact that 100,000 people die every year from smoking related diseases makes it impossible to deny.
    Likewise there should be a reminder regarding politicians that no matter what they say
    they inevitably fail in what they promise.
    therefore if they do is promise and leave us disillusioned and even more stressed then what is the point in looking to them to deliver us?
    there are many things out of the control of humans but things like lung and throat cancers are caused by first of all human greed and a lack of care for fellow humans, putting profit before principle and there is more love for money than our fellow humans.
    the rulers consistently let us down, giving us lousy havens of torment to laughably live in...those are more commonly known as social housing...but they should be called havens of torment because people tend to suffer in them more than anything else.
    i could go on and on about the way people have been exploited and manipulated and let down by the people at the wheel of government but i think I have highlighted the basics.
