Thursday 9 January 2014

Copland teachers striking for democracy on Tuesday

Teaching staff at Copland Community School, Wembley, will be mounting pickets lines from 7.30am on Tuesday morning as they strike once again to try and win a democratic ballot, independently run, on the proposed academy conversion. They also stipulate the Interim Executive Board, imposed on the school by Brent Council, should take the ballot result into account.

At present Ark appears to be the only academy sponsor option despite the fact that Cllr Michael Pavey, lead member for children and families, told a public meeting before Christmas that it 'wasn't a done deal' and another sponsor was possible.

Despite requests Ark has still not provided a breakdown of the ehtnic background of its teaching force at the Wembley Park site. See LINK

Staff at Woodfield Special School are also reported to be opposed to plans by their governing body for academy conversion. LINK


  1. ‘Despite requests Ark has still not provided a breakdown of the ehtnic background of its teaching force at the Wembley Park site’. I've read this a few times now. If Ark are coy about furnishing this information (for whatever reason), maybe a member of staff from the school could provide it. Presumably Ark Academies are happy for their employees to engage in open and free democratic discussion on matters of legitimate public interest and concern. Aren't they?

  2. Wembley Ark teachers: are you out there? Have you permission to hold opinions and to express them?

    Wembley Ark SLT: why not do a quick calculation and set the record straight?

    Ark Academies Big Cheeses: we know you're reading this because we know you have a whole bunch of PR professors, Image Management geeks and Public Perception boffins who sit in hermetically sealed and air-conditioned Analysis Delivery Pods doing nothing else all day but sift stuff like this and pass you their divinations. You know we're going to find out in the end, wouldn't it look better coming from you?
