Monday 3 February 2014

Heron harbinger of Spring in Fryent Country Park

On of the first signs that frogs are returning to the Fryent Country Park ponds for spawning is the appearance of heron in the ponds.

My picture was taken this morning at Barn Hill pond.


  1. Dear Martin,

    A excellent photo. Thank you for "posting" it. I have sent a "link" to it to several friends at Barn Hill Conservation Group, so that they can enjoy it too.


  2. An ethical amphibious dilemma and variation on the old war photographer problem: when you see, as you often do in spring, a female frog or toad lumbering towards the pond carrying a male (or sometimes two) on her back (yes, that's really all they're usually doing), should you intervene?

  3. Never thought herons looked very nice - but no doubt they do to other herons.
