Monday 2 June 2014

New Brent Cabinet must lance this boil

Before the election the Brent Green Party called for an independent investigation into various controversial aspects of the running of Brent Council which had emerged in postings on Wembley Matters.

Brent Council refused to comment on these during the election period but now a new adminstration is in place it is time to launch an independent investigation so that a fresh start can be made which will win the confidence of Brent Council workers and residents.

These are the issues for investigation:

1. Corporate Management Team officers being paid through their private companies rather than normal pay roll (the allegation has been made that these are tax avoidance schemes)
2. The contractual arrangements for CMT officers and interim appointments (the allegation has been made that these are on more favourable terms and are less clearly defined than for ordinary Brent Council workers)
3. Previous employment and business connections between senior offices appointed by Brent Council on an interim basis (the allegation has been made that colleagues who worked together at Ofsted and Tower Hamlets Council have formed a new group of senior officers at Brent Council. Further that an officer in a personal relationship with another officer had adjudicated on fraud allegations against her)
4. The working culture of the Human Resources department (aside from a current Employment Tribunal case allegations have been made by individuals of bullying and harrassment aimed at moving them out of their jobs)
5. Brent Council's Whistle Blowing Policy to ensure that it adequately protects whistle-blowers from harassment and retribution

A further issue now that the election is out of the way is the appointment of a Chief Executive. Christine Gilbert's interim appointment was extended by the Brent Executive on the recommendation of Fiona Ledden until after the election.  The permanent position should now be publicy advertised with a transparent recruitment process.

LINKS: (Also see the comments on these posts)


  1. 'New Brent Cabinet must lance this boil' ...................before Private Eye's 'Rotten Boroughs' column does it for them.

  2. Not sure whether to laugh or cry !

    It is now highly unlikely this matters will be dealty with the appropriate and necessary due consider.

    So much for Western Style Democracy !

    It is turning out to be a joke !

  3. How likely is it that the recruitment of a permanent Chief Executive will be open and transparent?

    Davani and Butt need someone who will be in their pockets - don't forget, they conspired and made senior level appointments without interview (as revealed in the exchange of e-mails between Davani and Heaphy).

    Even though Davani is in a personal relationship with Potts, the senior employment solicitor, Potts appears to be routinely part of recruitment panels nowadays. Why is this?

    1. You know what it's like, it hurts to be apart ..............
