Thursday 24 July 2014

Help Barham Park Estate's Temporary Residents extend their tenancies

We the undersigned petition the council to intervene in the premature issue of 42 "Notice to Quit" orders issued by Brent Community Housing to its tenants and subletting organisations who are resident in the Phase 3 development area of the Barham Park regeneration plan. These NTQs require all the affected residents in these 42 properties to leave by 18th August 2014, when the Council's website clearly indicates there are no plans to proceed with the Phase 3 demolition until early 2015. We therefore request the Council uses its influence with its contractor to extend the above tenancies until January 2015.

We believe that the premature issue of these 42 NTQs is liable to be financially detrimental to the Council in terms of lost rental income and the security of tenure and duty of care for existing Council tenants.

It is our understanding from viewing the Council’s regeneration plans, and from discussion with the contractors and others involved in the proposed scheme that Phase 3 is unlikely to start for at least six months. The Council’s website states that the current building under construction, Phase 2C, is not due to become occupied until “Early in 2015” ( To date it has been usual to start to move tenants into the new builds prior to initiating the next demolition schedule.

In addition to forcing a large number of young single people to seek alternative accommodation, which will impact on the council’s Housing Options Team, and the substantial loss of income to the Local Authority, we are also concerned about our neighbours who have council tenancies and are awaiting rehousing. They have already expressed their worries that leaving these 42 properties empty will encourage anti-social behaviour from outside elements.

 Sign ePetition


  1. We have the same sort of issue here in South Kiburn Estate.
    There are approximately 80 plus households accomadated in the estate as Temporary (Non secure Tenants) in building designated for regeneration.
    We would appreaciate help from other groups such as your self and Brent housing action to petition the Council to
    1)To make these properties rent affordable and the same as other secure tenants on estate as they currently set at temporary accommodation levels
    2)To give opputunities to these tenants to stay in the area by offering surplus new build housing to them or by transferring tenants in other building on estate as temporary tenants once the buildings are needed for regeneration.

  2. UPDATE now available at

    The planned meeting between BCH and the relevant officers of the Local Authority to discuss the issues raised was originally due to occur last Friday. It is now due on Monday. No explanation of the reason behind this delay has been given, but it is obviously a matter of concern that many Councillors will not be holding their surgeries in August.

    As the situation is increasing in urgency, it is worth reminding all tenants that moving out on the due of an NTQ is interpreted as making yourself intentionally homeless and therefore ineligible for any housing support from the local authority.


  3. Why this rush to evict these tenants, Brent Community Housing?


  4. It appears Brent Community Housing is giving less than 1 month notice to its tenants. Is this not illegal?


  5. How is Brent Community Housing helping to resolve the housing crisis? By evicting its existing tenants?


  6. What other properties have you offered these tenants, Brent Community Housing?

