Monday 18 August 2014

No Minutes for Wednesday's Planning Committee Meeting

The Agenda for the Planning Committee due to be held on Wednesday August 20th states that the Minutes of the previous meeting are not available and will be presented at the next meeting.

The previous meeting on July 16th heard the controversial Kensal Rise Library application and some weighty legal advice was given by officers.

It is very unusual for Minutes not to be available more than one month after a meeting.  Perhaps this underlines the case for the recording of all Brent council meetings.

Missing or delayed Minutes for a school governing body would be an issue of grave concern to Ofsted inspectors or auditors.


  1. Hasn't Pickles now made it legal for the public to now be able to video record or use social media to make council meetings public, sounds good to me.

  2. James Denselow, exec member with responsibility for libraries and apparently Brent's tech-savvy cllr might like to pursue the missing minute as it should record the controversial decision to grant planning permission for the change of use of Kensal Rise Library - despite the building being listed as an Asset of Community Value, not to mention the ongoing police-investigation into fake emails enmeshing developer/owner Andrew Gillick's original planning application.

  3. Joe Kwateng, the Democratic Services Officer, was sadly was taken ill and was in hospital for two weeks and unable to finalise the notes.

  4. Joe Kwateng's absence due to hospitalisation makes it all the more urgent that council meetings are fully recorded. Planning committee is a quasi-legal body and the absence of minutes a serious matter.
