Monday 24 November 2014

Brent By-election possibility lessens but...

Cllr Zaffar Van Kalwala at Stonebride Boxing Club
 The potential for the postponement of the next Full Council Meeting to catch three Labour councillors in the six month attendance rule and thus force them to resign appears to have subsided.

Cllr Ahmad Shahzad is reporting to have attendeded a Pensions Committee and Cllr John Duffy an Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee.

This leaves Zaffar Van Kalwala who is on the Audit Committee which meets at 7.30pm tonight and Scrutiny which meets at 7pm on Wednesday.

That is of course as long as the meetings go ahead and are not abandoned, as Cllr Janice Long seemed to hint at Labour Group on Monday, by the Civic Centre fire alarm being set off.

If for some reason Kalwala does  not attend a by-election will be triggered in Stonebridge ward.

Cllr Zaffar Van Kalwala has been active in support of the campaign to Save Stonebridge Adventure Playground which has also been backed by Dawn Butler, Labour's General Election candidate for Brent Central.


  1. The election was on 22nd May, the six month anniversary passed this Saturday 22nd. Zaffar Van Kalwala is too late.

    1. What a shame. If only there was another person who was actively involved in the Save Stonebridge Campaign who might consider standing in Stonebridge!

  2. Reluctant as I am to disagree with such an authoritative comment I believe that under the Local Government Act the period is counted from the last meeting attended. In this case it was the Brent Council AGM on June 4th. Making the last date by which attendance should be recorded December 4th.

  3. Did he attend tonight?
