Friday 21 November 2014

Tune in to Stonebridge kids fighting for their Adventure Playground Sunday 8-10pm 95.4FM

Stonebridge kids fighting to save the Stonebridge Adventure Playground will appear on Roots FM 95.4 on Sunday night.

They will be on the Gussy Roots show from 8-10pm.

Meanwhile follow this link to see some of the amazing  comments made in support of the Adventure Playground on their website: LINK

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful comments and a brilliant continuing moral and practical campaign. It's absolutely obvious that funding and facilities for this place should be privileged, protected and inviolable. The reasoned case set out is incontrovertible and the campaigners have followed all the correct procedures to present this to the appropriate people.
    If the people in authority in Brent succeed in demonstrating to 3 or 4 generations that their arguments, their evidence and their legitimate protests can be ignored by the powerful at will, then what alternative are they offering those people other than action of a more vigorous and antisocial nature?
