Tuesday 20 January 2015

Coming Soon Club takes over Wembley's Chesterfield House

The Coming Soon Club is taking over Chesterfield House, the previous Brent Children and Families Office, which is at the corner of Wembley High Road and Park Lane.


  1. Good name for an ante-natal clinic ............

    1. Or a premature ejaculation support group ........

    2. At least with an ante-natal clinic you have a something to show at the end - a baby. This concept is wasted on this bunch, who are primarily concerned with feathering their own nests, providing paid employment for their own cronies, it has nothing to do with helping or benefitting the local residents.

    3. 11.11 You are confusing this with the Coming2Soon group. As Pukkah would say 'Get a grip'.

  2. Sounds like your at the movie theatre "coming soon to a theatre near you !"

    The carry on in Brent would make for a good old plot.

    Any script writers up for a Challenge?

  3. If their previous endeavours in Brent , at the Triangle and Cotterell House are anything to go by I wouldn't hold my breath of anything happening of any great value anytime soon. They have to be one of the worst organisations in taking a huge amount of time to get their act together, very bad at communication and engaging the local community. Just good at getting grants and funding reaping the benefits with little evidence of producing anything of value.
