Wednesday 10 June 2015

Cara Davani leaving Brent Council to take a 'career break'

A Brent Council spokesperson today, said:

'Cara Davani, Director of HR and Administration, will leave the Council at the end of June. She intends to take a career break for a while.

The Council is grateful for the significant contribution that Cara has made over the last 3 years.

Mildred Philips will become interim Director of HR while we consider a range  of options for the provision of the Council's HR services.'


  1. Alison Hopkins10 June 2015 at 13:46

    Six figure compromise agreement, then.

    1. Leaving to spend more time with her dogs?

  2. That is a press release written by someone with either a perfect sense of irony, or no sense of it at all.

  3. No wonder Cllr Pavey is on holiday. Anyone with a shred of integrity would want to remove themselves from this odious farce.

  4. And who would work out a compromise package?

    Why isn't it usually the director of HR, the chief executive and the legal department?

    So we are back to Davani, her crony Gilbert and her partner Potts (is he still in post?).

  5. Alison Hopkins10 June 2015 at 16:29

    She'll have been offered a sizeable pot to keep schtum. When does the award to Rosemarie clarke get announced?

    1. Not sure if you are being ironic, Alison. Keep schtum about what?

      Would Davani actually need to be paid off to keep schtum about her own orchestration of her mistreatment of Rosemarie Clarke and others?

      Would Davani need to be given money to keep quiet about her misuse of a council Oyster Card?

      Would Davani have to be bribed not to spill the beans about giving jobs and contracts to her cronies?

      Would Davani need a brown envelope to keep quiet about her aiding and abetting a breach of council policy by making a Member level officer appointment with no Member interview and conspiring to repeat the transgression?

      Rosemarie Clarke's remedy hearing is in mid-September.

    2. Well said 1:53 - words to be endorsed by all Brent Council Tax payers!

    3. Alison Hopkins11 June 2015 at 17:23

      Nan, nicely put.

      What I meant, which is nowhere near as interesting as your post, is that I've seen this happen SO often in commercial companies. A dodgy senior manager gets a pile of dosh under a compromise agreement in return for not making waves.

  6. I think this is more positive than others comment. Why now? Likely answer ... the first decision of the new CEX? CD gone about 2 weeks after Downs announced? If so this is very promising. A CEX who acts with integrity and in the wider interests of the council, rather than one whose actions are very different from a veneer of polished rhetoric?

    1. I am inclined to agree with you. Insiders certainly see a connection between the appointment of new CEO and the resignation. Carolyn Downs was at the Civic Centre on the day when the resignation was announced to HR staff. Some have said dealing with the festering issue was tied up with her accepting the job offer.

      This means that the three main officers associated with the Employment Tribunal will have gone by the Autumn.

      On the other hand Muhammad Butt, who protected Davani and didn't show the kind of decisive leadership needed to ensure the Employment Tribunal Judgment resulted in prompt action, remains in his political post.

    2. Yes it is positive that she has gone. But as negative as the other comments may be (to some) they are the truth. The cost of paying her off will be a six figure sum, all at the expense of the tax payer. How unfair is it that someone found guilty of racism and victimisation has been paid to leave the council?

    3. Alison Hopkins10 June 2015 at 22:41

      Martin, given the influence that Butt will have had on this appointment I'm less positive in some ways. I surmise that Butt now wanted rid of the Davani liability, and has used the Downs appointment to facilitate it.

      19:54. Yes, it will have cost a LOT of money.

  7. As she has resigned, I can't see why she would be walking away with anything, she should be made to pay some of that money that Rosemarie will be getting from Brent as a result of what she did.

    1. Well her mates are not going to announce that she's been sacked are they? There is no way she would have left empty handed and Potts would've played his part in making sure she got every penny possible.

    2. As she was originally self employed and only put on Brent's payroll recently she wouldn't have any employment rights and wouldn't be entitled to any pay off - especially as she reportedly sent the Council into public disrepute and her alleged actions were tantamount gross misconduct.

    3. Alison Hopkins10 June 2015 at 22:39

      21:40. The date doesn't matter. Brent would have used a compromise agreement to make sure she didn't sue the backside off them.

    4. What she is entitled to and what she gets are two very different things.

    5. What could she possibly sue for? A judge at the Watford Tribunal frowned upon her reported actions and the final judgement brought the Council into disrepute. She should feel embarrassed even to ask for a reference

  8. The Council’s statement says: ‘Mildred Philips will become interim Director of HR.’

    There have been a number of references to Ms Phillips in previous blog comments involving Cara Davani, but I will set out below some of the references to her in the Employment Tribunal judgement on the Rosemarie Clarke case, so that readers can consider whether Brent have made a wise choice here.

    After Rosemarie Clarke [“RC”] had been suspended in February 2013, on an accusation from Cara Davani [“CD”] that the Tribunal found to be unreasonable, it was ‘Ms Phillips, Interim Consultant, People and Development’ who CD appointed to investigate RC’s alleged gross misconduct. [see para. 208 of the judgement]

    On 4 April 2013 RC ‘attended an investigatory meeting with Mildred Phillips. … At this meeting, Ms Phillips put [3] further allegations to RC.’ [para. 211]. In its consideration of this action, against Brent’s own HR procedures, the Tribunal said: ‘The majoritry find that, for Ms Phillips to have raised the additional issues at the meeting on 4 April 2013, was unreasonable and amounted to a breach of contract, on the respondents [Brent and CD] having failed to “inform the claimant [RC] in writing about any allegations as soon as possible.’ [para. 286]

    ‘On Monday 8 April RC was signed off sick with severe anxiety….’ [para. 212]

    ‘On 9 April 2013, Ms Phillips wrote to RC to request her attendance at a further investigatory meeting, to discuss two further matters.’ [para. 213]. Those two matters arose from another of CD’s interims trawling through RC’s emails, and in its consideration of the handling of the two misconduct charges arising, the Tribunal said:
    ‘On Ms Foster having furnished Ms Phillips with the product of her enquiries and on Ms Phillips conducting her review thereof, this tribunal finds it was incumbent on Ms Phillips to verify those facts from the documentary evidence which the first respondent [Brent] had in their possession before setting them out as charges against RC, which Ms Phillips failed to do and was unreasonable, and it was unreasonable for Ms Phillips to present those issues as further allegations against RC on 9 April 2013.’ [para. 296]

    It was this unreasonable action by Ms Phillips, coming on top of CD’s victimisation of her and the total failure by Christine Gilbert to follow Brent’s HR procedures when dismissing RC’s formal grievance complaint against CD, which the Tribunal found had been ‘the final straw’ which led her to resign, in circumstances which the Tribunal judged to be a constructive dismissal.
    Although Rosemarie Clarke was not well enough to deal with the allegations made against her, and had resigned, the Tribunal reports the outcome of Ms Phillips actions: ‘On the 4 July 2013, Mildred Phillips published her investigation report. The report contained the six allegations that had previously been put to RC, Ms Phillips stating that she upheld those allegations, recommending that a disciplinary hearing be convened to consider gross misconduct ….’ [para. 231]

    The final irony of this report, which upheld charges that the Tribunal later found, on the evidence, to be unreasonable, is that Rosemarie was not notified of the outcome of the investigation until ‘the 19 July, three days after’ the date her employment with Brent terminated, with the letter telling her ‘that a decision had been taken to conclude the investigation “in the interests of natural justice” ’. [paras. 232 and 233]

    It would be interesting to know whether staff at Brent Council feel more confident that they will be treated fairly by the interim Director of HR than they were by her departing predecessor.

    Philip Grant.

    1. Philip, re your last para - errr a big fat NO!! Puppets only work when the master is pulling the strings!

    2. Facts meticulously at your fingertips as ever Philip, as you remind us all of the salient points - and your point is not lost: Mildred Phillips is well and truly part of the Davani Gilbert crony clique.

      The Tribunal discredited Phillips in court for being unable to conduct a proper investigation. Her 'investigation' had made charges against Rosemarie that could not be substantiated. Phillips was of course supported in this by Davani. Davani had to admit to the Tribunal under questioning that she had appointed Phillips because she was a mate and not through having followed any due process.

      So Phillips, in cahoots with Davani, and with the blessing of Gilbert, effectively conspire to trump up charges to hound out a member of staff who Davani had taken against for having brought a grievance against her.

      We well remember that Davani has ways of dealing with people who cross her, as evidenced by the episode of Davani forcing Rosemarie to unceremoniously hasten the termination of someone's (interim) contract saying that the contractor had walked passed her without any greeting.

      It is worth remembering that Davani wrote the HR procedures so that only she, the Director, could sign off compromise agreements. The baton has now been passed to safe-pair-of-hands and fellow conspirator, Phillips who will undoubtedly keep Davani's secrets, her package details and such-like, under the tighest cloak of secrecy.

      Davani declared to HR staff that she would never settle with Rosemarie. How better to continue the vendetta than by putting Phillips in charge of HR where she can look out for Davani's interests, keep a lid on pay-off information etc? A master stroke really.....

      A pertinent question arises as to who is now instructing the legal department in this case?
      Is it Davani's mate, Phillips? Is it Davani's crony, Gilbert? Is it Davani's partner, Potts?

    3. I am surprised they didn't bring in Shahidul Miah form Bloomsbury Resourcing, under the guise of being independent, but he too is one of the Cronies going back to Tower Hamlets and Ofsted, and a court would certainly have heavily criticised him for unable to conduct a proper investigation and not having followed any due process. A very unprofessional bunch, eh!?

    4. If Carolyn Downs wishes to keep her reputable name perhaps she needs to consider doing some serious Crony Cleansing within the Council; to turn a blind eye may completely destroy her reputation as well her kind looking face and inner soul.

  9. The last sentence in the council's statement regarding 'considering a range of options for the provision of the council's HR services' suggests possible outsourcing or combining with another borough/boroughs.

    1. Suspicion ugly raises it's head... I can't help but wonder who came up with this idea and whether such an outsourcing bid would go to one cronies private firms.

  10. "It would be interesting to know whether staff at Brent Council feel more confident that they will be treated fairly by the interim Director of HR than they were by her departing predecessor." The answer is yes. Mildred hasn't exhibited any not listening, them and us, or bullying behaviour in any of my dealings with her. No-one is scared of her. I imagine, like everyone in HR, she knew that she would get pushed out if she didn't do as she was told.

    1. Have you asked her team?...sorry asked her team members who have resigned?...

    2. EXACTLY!

  11. HR and legal are likely to be outsourced to another LA I hear

  12. Did they ever announce who won the award?

  13. 21.40 as per the Agency Workers Regulation if you work for someone for 12 weeks you are entitled to full employment rights, She's been permanent since 2013 but seeing as she 'resigned' and her job was not part of any restructure can't see why they would pay her anything. Guess now no one else will have her either, she has no place in any job with the word Human in it

    1. Prior to October 2014, CD wasn't employed as an agency worker, nor was she directly employed as a permanent member of staff by Brent. If you started a job after 6 April 2012 your employer can dismiss you in the first two years with no right to make a claim for unfair dismissal.

  14. Pure speculation on my part.......

    ......I might be tempted to put money on Lorraine Langham, Chief Operating Officer, presiding over HR with a down-graded Head of HR role leading the team (as opposed to a director-level appointee). The number of human resources - I mean people - is rapidly shrinking, after all.

    This would keep sensitive matters pertaining to Davani /Potts /Gilbert in the safe hands of a crony. It will be a regular relay then with baton passing from Davani to Phillips, from Phillips to Langham.......

    Reminder from

    "Lorraine Langham, like several of the present CMT, has previouslly worked for Tower Hamlets Council and Ofsted. (See table below). Like Gilbert and Davani she also has her own private company. She is no stranger to controversy over her alleged friendship with Christine Gilbert as this hit the headlines in 2007 and again in February last year."

    1. Agreed Nan - when Langham was appointed, Davani's reporting line surprisingly changed from the CE to her. Just goes to show that this has all been in the planning for quite some time and they are all in to together!

  15. A former Brent Council employee has sent the following comment by email:

    'A huge thanks to Philip, Nan and of course Martin for giving us a voice through this whole ordeal!

    I feel a song coming on. The Wizard of Oz keeps going through my head - ding dong!!! I happily accept that Davani’s resignation, although I can’t help feeling that justice has been somewhat short changed. She has gone on her terms - with a big fat wad of council tax payers money (which she probably negotiated). I am still getting over the fact that as a tax payer I/we have paid for her travel.

    I would have liked to have seen her frog marched out of the Civic Centre with her personal belongings in a box. The damage she and her cronies have caused to the council’s reputation will be felt for years to come. No matter how great staff are - externally, Brent Council will be deemed to still be a joke.

    I can’t help wondering why Butt has let her go now. I get that there was some influence from the newly appointed CE. Even though this is the case, why would he side with a new CE - when he has stood 'shoulder to shoulder' with Davani- the racist - over the past year. Maybe she made him see sense - when no one else could, maybe Davani does want to take a career break (am I rose tinted glasses?)…..after all she is maternal animal. Whatever the reason, I’m sure she’s on her acres plotting the downfall of another unsuspecting local authority. Career break does appear to be a reoccurring theme…HR? Childrens?….

    In years to come, I am sure she will emerge again - with a new hair colour and undoubtedly a new suit.

    I just hope that wherever she goes, that organisation is not as stupid as Brent and does their homework. Maybe as a work around, she’ll change her name to Cara Potts - just putting it out there just in case. Whatever she calls herself - she will never get away from the fact that no matter where she goes she will always be known as a racist bully! I just hope that it sticks with her 1000x longer than the reputation of Brent a shambles council. I do love google!!! Ding dong….'

    1. Perhaps it is now time for Carolyn Downs to examine and update the staff handbook in relation to the Code of Conduct and consider writing a new policy to prohibit cronyism, conflict of interest and office romance - specifically for those employed at a high decision making level who are supposed to adhere to good practice in Employment Law, Dignity at Work as well as Equality issues ( but conversely end up interviewing, managing and promoting each other; or, worse, making tainted pillow agreements on major issues that then get ratified, without question, by many sleepy ill-informed councillors). This is an important issue as it has become evident that such poor / corrupt practice has impacted detrimentally on the reputation of the borough, community groups, as well as individuals'. Both paid employees and elected Councillors should never forget the seven principles, which should underpin the actions of all who serve the public.

    2. I too endorse all thanks to Phillip, Nan and Martin!

  16. Will anyone give Mo Butt any credit for this?

    1. Yes.

      Were it not for Cllr Butt we would never have heard of Davani. Think what we would have missed!!!!

    2. But isn't it thanks to Mo Butt that this awful woman has lost her job?

    3. Oh be quiet Sam

    4. Give it up councillor, you're just embarassing yourself now

    5. It looks like Carolyn Downs is replacing the old Chemistry Fit..

    6. But Mo Butt is a principled man. He wants Brent to be a freer and more democratic place.

    7. Anonymous 11.30, are you unhinged or simply having a bit of a giggle? The "awful woman" has not "lost" her job". She has strolled off taking with her a load of our cash.
      An informed council leader would have had her removed from post the moment he knew what she was getting up to.
      An informed council leader would never have allowed the situatuon to arise whereby she could have brought his council into public disrepute.
      An informed council leader would have had more respect for the people of his borough than to countenance a confirmed racist and bully remaining in post at their expense.

      If on the other hand, you are being droll, I could agree with you that if Cllr Butt had acted sooner, the "awful woman" would never have had the opportunity of carrying out her nefarious activities - therefore Cllr B failed to save her reputation in spite of herself, therefore it was thanks to him she lost her job.

    8. If Mo Butt was a principled man he would ensure that everyone in the workplace and in the community was treated equally with dignity and respect. As an indication that this is not so, the CCTV cameras that are set up to record meetings, such as the scruitiny committee meeting last April, would probably show evidence of how he tried to mock and belittle an honourable local historian, Phillip Grant, when Phillip asked to speak on matters of concern in relation to Cllr Pavey's recent report. Instead Mr Grant faced a degree of humiliation and was prevented from doing so. Shame on MB.

    9. Anonymous at 11.30 and 17.20 - you are obviously the same person.

      Is there some kind of leadership contest coming up? Are you trying to drum up support for your candidate? Or, are you playing a more devious game of goading people into adverse comment about the present incumbent to support your own position or candidate?

      This council needs a thorough fumigation, not replacing one lame duck with another.

    10. Well said, Nan!

    11. Mo Butt is Brent's last hope I think

    12. Part 1 of a comment from Philip Grant:

      Should Cllr. Butt be given any credit for Cara Davani leaving Brent Council in June 2015? We will probably never know, but I do know that he carries at least some of the responsibility for her not leaving Brent sooner than June 2015.

      On Sunday 21 September 2014, I sent an email to Cllr. Butt, and after referring briefly to another matter on which he had not replied to me, I wrote:

      '... this email is about an even more serious matter, the judgement by an Employment Tribunal that former Brent employee Rosemarie Clarke was constructively dismissed by the Council, and that Brent (through its Operation Director, Human Resources, Cara Davani) was guilty of racial discrimination against, and victimisation of, this employee. My question in this email is:
      What has Brent done about this since the judgement was published, and what are YOU going to do about it now?

      I did raise this matter with you in emails back in May, and we spoke about it briefly during our meeting on 26 June (the one which I have referred to as our "secret" meeting, as Tom Cattermole, on your behalf refused to let me publish the notes of, and to which you have not replied to my request to reconsider that view). I can understand you not wishing to comment on this matter publicly when you had an election to win, and when the Employment Tribunal proceedings were still in progress, but now that the judgement has been made, and is in the public domain, you as Leader of the Council need to be seen to be taking the right action to deal with it.'

      As regular "Wembley Matters" readers will know, I am not afraid to give councillors and council officers practical advice on dealing with matters where I think that it would be helpful. Here is part of the advice that I gave in that email:

      'What should you do, on Monday morning if it has not already been done before? If Ms Davani has not already resigned or been suspended, you should ensure that the Chief Executive, or the person deputising for her if she is not available, speaks to Ms Davani and insists on her immediate resignation, in the light of the findings of the Tribunal about her actions. While this would treat her misconduct more leniently than she has treated that alleged of others, it would allow her to go immediately, but with payment from Brent for her period of notice, and at least show that the Council is taking the judgement seriously. If Ms Davani refuses to resign, formal misconduct proceedings (including her suspension) would be required, with care being taken that the correct procedures are properly carried out (unlike in Ms Clarke's case).

      I think that my suggestions in the paragraph above are the very least that the people of Brent should expect of you. What message would it send to Brent's diverse community, and to Council employees, if the Council turns a blind eye to this judgement, and allows a person who holds its highest Human Resources post to continue in office after being "found guilty" of racial discrimination, victimisation, bullying and harassment? Looking at it from your own point of view, failure to act against Ms Davani will fuel the rumours/allegations that you are "protecting" her because she has some hold over you, as a result of her aiding and abetting you in either getting rid of officers you did not like and/or ensuring the appointment of officers you did wish to see employed by Brent without going through the correct Council recruitment procedures.'

      Cllr. Butt did not reply to me, but on 26 September Tom Cattermole sent me an email on his behalf, containing the text of Brent's (now known to be Christine Gilbert's) statement saying that the Council was appealing against the Employment Tribunal judgement, and setting up Cllr. Pavey's review to learn the lessons from that case.

    13. Part 2 of Philip Grant's comment on whether Cllr. Butt deserves credit (Sorry, too many words again!):-

      In early December 2014, Brent's appeal was rejected, as there were not reasonable grounds for an appeal (as I had told Cllr. Butt in my email of 21 September). On 6 December I wrote to him again, saying:
      'I have just heard what you are probably already aware of, that the appeal in the names of Brent Council and Cara Davani (but paid for by Brent?) against the Employment Tribunal judgement in the Rosemarie Clarke case has been rejected as having no prospect of success. I attach a copy of the ruling on this, in case you have not seen it for yourself.'

      I went on to say:
      'I am also sending, as I would have done anyway, a copy of an open letter which I sent yesterday afternoon to Christine Gilbert. This sets out the grounds on which the decision which she made, in conjunction with Cara Davani and Fiona Ledden (and to a lesser extent Raphael Prais, an interim Employment Lawyer), to appeal in Brent Council's name against the Employment tribunal judgement was not only flawed legally (now proved to be the case) but unsafe because of the conflict of interests of the officers involved. I believe that the actions of Ms Gilbert, Ms Davani and Ms Ledden amount to a breach of trust, an abuse of their powers and a misuse of Council funds in pursuing the appeal in their own interests, and not in the interests of the London Borough of Brent.

      In addition, the position of Cara Davani as Brent's Director of Human Resources is surely now untenable, as a result of her actions which caused this case to be brought and have now been upheld as having amounted to victimisation and, through the ill-judged actions of Ms Ledden and others involved in presenting Brent's case to the Tribunal, racial discrimination. The harm of that "guilty" finding of racial discrimination could still be reduced in terms of Brent's public reputation, although not in law, if the Council now acts promptly. As I have previously suggested, this would require the Council to make a full and public apology to Rosemarie Clarke, to disclose the truth over why its officers decided to continue disciplinary proceedings against Ms Clarke after she had ceased to be a Council employee and to take immediate action to ensure that the officer(s) responsible for the victimisation of Ms Clarke (especially Ms Davani) face the consequences of their actions.

      The Full Council meeting on Monday evening would appear to provide a good opportunity to make an announcement to both Councillors and the public in response to the Employment Appeal Tribunal ruling. I will leave this in your hands. For the sake of Brent's employees and its people, please do not make further errors of judgement in the handling of this matter!'

      Needless to say, my (I believe, sensible) advice was not taken. Does Muhammed Butt deserve credit for his handling of Cara Davani's actions in the Rosemarie Clarke case? No, because there were several opportunities when he could have acted properly, but chose to act improperly instead.

      My honest advice to Cllr. Butt would be that he should seriously consider whether he is a fit and proper person to continue acting as Leader of Brent Council. He probably won't take my advice, or even reply to the email I am sending him with a copy of this comment, but at least it is "on record".

      Philip Grant.

    14. Well said, Phillip! I think Mohammed Butt should certainly resign, as should all the other Cronies who have clearly abused their powers.

      In fact, I recall that misconduct in public office is an common law offence...

      If this is the case why hasn't there been a full public investigation into this matter, as this unprincipled group are clearly covering up and condoning her alleged misconduct?

      Such misconduct has clearly has amounted to an abuse of the public's trust whilst in office, yet no one has given any reasonable excuse or justification for supporting her/those who have abused their powers - why?

      Perhaps Creg Clark, the newly appointed Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government should be asked to investigate??

    15. Dear Anonymous at 08:33,
      I would agree that if Cllr. Butt does not resign, then there are very strong grounds why Brent's Standards Committee should take up the matter of his actions in this case, and get them independently investigated. Whether they will or not remains to be seen, but anyone wishing to request such action can do so by writing to Brent's Monitoring Officer (also Chief Legal Officer), setting out their concerns and any supporting evidence for them. Her email address is: .


    16. If Butt had any principle he woud have gone last year. He ousted Ann John and I cannot believe that he thinks that the council under his leadership is better than that of the previous leader..... Re writing to Brent's Monitoring Officer - I accept that this is the process - but feels like the monitor monitoring the monitors. I would also like to add that Alderman is the line manager of Potts - Davani's we go again!....

    17. I dont understand. so who is to thank for getting rid of cara? if it isnt mo butt then is it Michael Pavey?

    18. It's Carolyn Downs

    19. Mo Butt will never resign but this will be what ultimately finishes him

    20. To anon12:37 - thank God!

    21. Has to be Carolyn Downs

  17. 11.30 no. The only credit he deserves that he was siding with a woman who has brought the council into disrepute

    1. I wouldn't give him any credit as this is something he has clearly lost amongst many of his colleagues and members of the community. I would however call it insincere opportunistic sidings.


  18. As Mo Butt proudly tweeted on10th Dec 2014:- "Cara Davani is giving me lessons in dog-training. This will come in handy at the next Labour Group meeting." So he may have a continued need to employ her privately.

    1. nothing like a tweet you come to regret.!!

  19. 17.20 you definitely have a sense of humor

    1. Humour or not - wasting public money and treating people badly is a serious matter.

  20. It is clear that many people, including local residents, and employees / former employees of the Council, have serious concerns over any possible "payoff" to Cara Davani, and any agreement which may be made for the Council to meet any damages award or costs awarded against Ms Davani personally when the Rosemarie Clarke Employment Tribunal "remedy" hearing is finally held(in mid-September, unless delayed further for any reason).

    Can I suggest, please, that Brent residents should write to their ward councillors, expressing their concerns and the reasons for them, asking them to raise the matter at the Full Council meeting on 26 June and to ensure that Brent does not make any such payments to or on behalf of Ms Davani. I would also suggest that these emails to councillors are copied to Brent's Chief Executive at: . Thank you for your support in this.

    Philip Grant.

    1. Sorry! - I got my dates mixed up. The next Full Council meeting is on Monday 22 June, so all the more reason to contact your local councillors with your concerns as soon as possible. For the record, I sent an email to my Fryent Ward councillors this afternoon.


  21. Mildred Phillips - like Mss Davani and Gilbert - also has her own consultancy, according to her Linkedin page, below. Does that mean she'll be paid into a private account, rather than via payroll? Same old same...?

  22. I've written to my preston ward councillors and my local MP and never even had an acknowledgement!

    1. I am sorry to hear this, Glynis.

      Please do not be put off writing to or speaking to Ward Councillors, because ultimately they are the ones we have elected to represent us, and some at least may take their role (as well as taking their £10k annual allowance) seriously. If they don't know what we think, and are only fed what to believe from within official Brent Labour channels, how can things ever change for the better?

      The more concerned local residents (and voters) who do make their views over Cara Davani clear, especially about possible "payouts" or indemnities, the more chance (even if a slim one) there is that the right thing will happen, not the wrong one. We have voices, and emails; let's use them!

      Philip Grant.

  23. Me at 11 June 01.44 and Anonymous reply 12 June 11.49 above. Anonymous 11.49, you are right about (a) the length and (b) planning. None of this has been accidental. Whatever else may be said of Davani, there is no shortage of active (self-interested) brain cells there. This is a story of cronyism and backstabbing worthy of a Michael Dobbs novel and could have run as follows.

    WARNING: SOME READERS MAY FIND THIS STORY OFFENSIVE (plus it doesn't have a happy ending).

    Once upon a time Davani materialised in Brent through the good offices of her mate Clive Heaphy who she worked with at Ofsted. Heaphy agreed to pay Davani a heap of dosh (OK, £750 sterling per day inclusive, since you insist....... this IS mean to be a work of fiction). An interim post was created for her as Head of HR.

    Davani never set out to bury herself in Brent and Heaphy only intended that she should be around for a few months. But Heaphy reckoned without the Davani resourcefulness. She quickly spotted a gap in the Brent market that she knew she could fill if the circumstances were right.

    The right circumstances, is to make sure the people above you are indebted to you. How to bring this about? Granted that Heaphy is a mate of hers but he is the one with the real power since HE has the ear of the Chief Exec and the Council Leader.

    Then again, even if you took Heaphy out of the equation, that still leaves Gareth Daniel, C Ex, who is a major inconvenience as he never worked at Ofsted or Tower Hamlets.

    Heaven-sent opportunity falls into her lap. New Council Leader Butt and C Ex Daniel are not getting along. Davani appoints mediator who somehow can't manage to get the parties to kiss and make up. Now I wonder why that was.......?

    Meanwhile, new Council Leader Butt is feeling a bit vulnerable. Trainer of prize-winning terriers, Davani, knows just how to soothe nervous animals, get them to trust her, perform prize-winning tricks, that sort of thing.

    All going swimmingly, its just that this Heaphy man keeps getting in the way. Yes, I know he's a mate but he really has to go........

    We simply must bring in a Davani-friendly C Ex and who better than good mate Christine Gilbert, who at least has the right sort of background – Ofsted, Tower Hamlets.... AND is easy enough to sell to new kennel member, er, Council Leader, because.......... SHE'S married to HIS good mate Tony McNulty. What could be more cozy? What could be more heart warming? What a turn-up for the books eh? You couldn't make it up if you'd wanted to.

    Davani radar picks some mutterings of discontent about Heaphy. That's the ticket, something to work with at last, if there's one thing we do well, its getting rid of people...... Better take that legal woman, Ledden, off the management chop list and use her to steer Heaphy out the door.

    .........commercial break Part 1 of 2

  24. .......back from commercial break Part 2 of 2

    Just the odd little fly in the ointment now. No point giving up at the end of the interim contract. On the other hand don't want to work for peanut-sized permanent salary in a borough under financial strain. This is where friends in high places come in handy. Draw up new HR structure. Justify putting in highly paid Director-level role whilst cutting back on front-line staff. Well, Director's salaries don't grow on trees..... and how can Davani's mates Gilbert and Cllr Butt say no and better still, how can they not appoint her to the job?

    Make sure deputy HR role is held by a mate too....... Mildred Phillips (Tower Hamlets) is turning out to be endlessly useful. Compliant Mildred – does as she told, can't run an investigation for toffee, so no chance of her asking awkward questions.......... you just never know what might blow up on a dog show day or if one pops out for a spot of maternity leave and you wouldn't just Anyone poking their nose in and Finding Things Out.

    Davani has always known that her continued employment would depend on her mate Gilbert sticking around. No point having gone through all this exhausting chicanery for a few measly months of employment.

    Of course, there is an election coming up, then there's the borough plan, perhaps they might find some historic remains under the Town Hall, then we could have the borough declared a site of archaeological importance (keep that Philip Grant out of our hair, kill two birds and all that)....... potentially useful ways of extending mate Gilbert's contract. Gilbert has probably set a world record and brought a whole new meaning to INTERIM.........

    Have to advertise permanent C Ex role more's the pity. Unlikely that candidate list will feature any mates from Ofsted or Tower Hamlets and Questions May Be Asked if someone got appointed without a Member interview, worse luck. It wasn't an idle thought....... it did work before.

    A pox on all candidates independently applying for the C Ex job.......... I wonder who's going to get it? Hope they keep me in the loop........ mortifying if I have to end up reading about it on Wembley Matters.

    Who the hell IS Carolyn Downs? Can't be much good, never worked at Ofsted or Tower Hamlets........ WHAT a good thing I had the Davani Forward Plan up my sleeve: How to Bail Out with Maximum Benefit. Time to let Butt and Gilbert know who really calls the shots – and anyway, where would they be without me? I even had to hang around wiping their noses for the whole of the count on election night.........and me just about to give birth to twins............ I'd have to answer to the RSPCA if I did that to one of the dogs...........

    Hope there's enough in petty cash to pay me x months' salary because there's no way I'm accepting it on an Oyster Card.

    1. Alison Hopkins13 June 2015 at 10:30

      Brilliant, Nan. The excellent Tim Minogue reads this blog, so I hope your summation shows up in the Eye.

  25. Is it possible for this blog link to be sent to the Kennel Club, Dog World and posted on Facebook so that people that trust Ms Davani in the dog showing and breeding world can see what her real character is? The Kennel Club should refuse to accept her as a breeder
