Sunday 14 June 2015

The 'Tale of Two Tory groups' continues at next Brent Council Meeting

The sllocation of opposition committee places is on the agenda for the next Full Council meeting on June 22nd.

In addition to the 8th Scrutiny Committee place the other positions are:

At the AGM the Council voted to recognise the Conservative Group (three Kenton Conservatiev councillors) as the principal opposition group. They now have to allocate committee places between that group and the Brent Conservative Group (recognised as the official opposition by Conservative HQ and consisting of three Brondesbury Park Conservative councillors).

The Liberal Democrats are not recognised as a group because that requotes two or more councillors and they have only one.

Clearly these 6 places can be divided equally between the two groups giving each councillor a role. It will be interesting to see the distribution of 'compliant' and 'awkward squad' places.


  1. There is a case for 6 by-elections here. Complete farce.

  2. I would prefer Cllr John Warren on GP committee, Cllr Shaw on planning committee, Cllr Joel Davidson on Audit, Cllr Reg on Standards, Cllr Kansagra Equalities and Cllr Maurice on Corporate Parenting Committee. My suggestions are based on their past performance.
