Monday 27 July 2015

Brent Council: South Kiburn Trust did not apply for music licence in time for the Festival

Contrary to reports that Brent Council has revoked the live music licence for the South Kilburn Festival at 5pm on Friday, the day before the Festival, a Brent Council spokesperson said today that the  South Kilburn Trust had not applied for the licence in time for the festival.

The live music was transferred from the park to the OK Club on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Despite the fact that the Festival was almost a month ago I would like to set the record straight for anyone still interested.
    Your post about what happened with the live music license for SK Festival does not tell the whole story.

    While it is true that the organisers of the SK festival sent the Temporary Event notice and the Occasional Sales License in one day late, after discussions with Brent Council on WEDNESDAY 22 July these were kindly approved. This means the mistake by the organising group had been accepted on Wednesday as a mistake and allowances made. Despite the lateness of the licenses a way was found to approve them.
    However late on FRIDAY 24 July, one of these licenses was revoked without a reason being given.
    It cannot be claimed that lateness was the reason or Brent Council would have revolved both licenses as both were late.
    So we are still waiting for the reason for the live music license
