Friday 24 July 2015

Hampstead & Kilburn back Yvette Cooper for Labour Leader by just one vote

Hampstead & Kilburn Labour Party yesterday narrowly backed Yvette Cooper for the Labour Leadership, by just one vote in the third round.

This is how the process of distributing second choice  votes  of the lowest candidate in each round after Jeremy Corbyn achieved the most votes in the first round. Corbyn only acheived one extra vote in the distribution:

First round

Burnham 7
Cooper 24
Corbyn 34
Kendall 11

Second Round

Cooper 28
Corbyn 34
Kendall 11

Third round

Cooper 36
Corbyn 35

This is interesting if a similar pattern were to occur in the national one person one vote poll.


  1. This is why Corbyn can't win and it is also why Severus Stopp is hedging his bets on Cooper.

    Corbyn will get hardly any second preference votes and Corbyn will squeak past Burnham in the final round.

  2. As for Yvette Cooper's legacy as Work & Pensions Secretary as an indicator of 'clear blue water' between her and Corbyn, it was actually Cooper that authorised a far harsher Employment & Support Allowance eligibility test that was not piloted until the Con-Dem coalition was formed.

    Sheffield Forum for Everything Sheffield reported in April 2010: Even harsher new ESA Medical approved''(warning very bad news inc)

    What would Hampstead & Kilburn Labour Party say of the links between Labour's 'welfare reform' past and the later 'welfare reform' related deaths of claimants that have transpired since?
