Tuesday 14 July 2015

Hear the Green GLA List candidates on Sunday

Come and hear from the candidates who want to represent London Green Party on the London Assembly list in next year's London wide elections. 

Next year is not just the London Mayoral race - Londoners also vote for the London Assembly. The Green Party currently has two Assembly Members (AMs), elected by a proportional system. Our current AMs Darren Johnson and Jenny Jones are both standing down and we are aiming for more than two AMs next year! So our candidates need to be ready to step in to this important role if elected, but equally as important the list candidates must also help us run an exciting and inspiring campaign.

This event is a great opportunity to ask questions of the candidates and hear what they have to say. We are expecting a lot of interest so you must sign up for a ticket- these are free but limited. The hustings will start promptly at 2pm, please arrive in plenty of time.

If you would like to submit a question to be considered (some questions will also be taken from the floor, but there is very likely to be many more questions than time) please email your question to caroline.allen@greenparty.org.uk. Please make the title of the email 'Assembly Hustings Question'. The deadline for questions is noon on Wednesday the 16th July.

Please note this event is for LONDON GREEN PARTY MEMBERS ONLY.

Do you have questions about Assembly List Hustings- London Green Party? 
 Contact Caroline Allen


London-wide Assembly List (of whom 11 will be selected to an ordered list)
Andrea Carey Fuller, Barry Cooper, Benali Hamdache, Caroline Russell, Dee Searle, Jonathan Bartley, Michael Gold, Noel Lynch, Peter Underwood, Rashid Nix, RoseMary Warrington, Shahrar Ali, Sian Berry, and Tom Chance.

1 comment:

  1. I'm too late at asking a formal question for the hustings again. But this one might stimulate readers' thoughts:

    For smaller parties, the Proportional Representation list selected by party members is 'a foot in the door' to the London Assembly, but being in the minority in any electoral chamber and doing casework can be Herculean tasks in themselves. Yet casework helps build the loyalty of constituents helped. How can Assembly Members from a minority party 'have the best of both worlds' and help build for 'good constituency' points toward the next Mayoral and London Assembly elections, especially when the catchment area for the PR list is London-wide and advice and advocacy services are being savaged along with the vulnerable?
