Tuesday 15 September 2015

Copland/Elvin: Onward and Upward?

Guest blog from  local school chaplain Elvin Bishop
The benefits of Tory education policy (ably assisted by Cllrs Pavey and Butt) are taking time to become apparent at one local school, as these figures appear to show:
2012: Copland 5 A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths                 40%
2013: Copland 5 A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths                  43%
2014: Copland 5 A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths                  46%
September2014 and Forced Academisation takes place against the wishes of parents, students and staff but backed by Michaels Gove and Pavey and Leader Mo Butt. Copland becomes Ark Elvin Academy.
2015: Copland 5 A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths                    34%*
*figure from Ark Elvin website
Still, as Jose Mourinho probably  said to Roman Abramovich on Sunday, ‘early days’.


  1. Tweet and morning BBC new from New Schools Network

    New Schools Network ‏@theNSN 2h2 hours ago
    We call for the creation of a 'parental trigger' so parents can drive up standards in schools that aren't performing. http://www.newschoolsnetwork.org/what-are-free-schools/free-school-news/new-schools-network-calls-for-introduction-of-a-%E2%80%9Cparental …

    Parents could push for Ark Academies to be replaced given these results

    DFE can't have it both ways!!!

    1. GCSEs were getting easier and they stopped dumbing them down?

    2. That was 'superhead' Dame (as in pantomime, presumably) Rachel de Souza on R4 this morning. Of whom it has been said:
      'Dame Rachel de Souza, chief executive of the Inspiration Trust, and its chairman, Theodore Agnew, responded to renewed claims in a Sunday newspaper that three schools connected to Dame Rachel received advance notice of the dates that Ofsted inspectors would visit.
      The schools were Ormiston Victory Academy, which Dame Rachel led before taking up her current role, and Great Yarmouth Primary Academy and Thetford Academy, which are members of the Inspiration Trust'.
      It's possibly tasteless to mention it in the context of Copland/Ark but these 'superheads' seem to have a less than perfect record when it comes to sticking to the straight and narrow. Let's hope the dodgy dame hangs on to her gong, eh?
