Sunday 6 September 2015

Kilburn Labour Party Party steps into Duffy dispute

Reliable sources inform me that Kilburn (Brent) branch of the Labour Party agreed at its meeting on Thursday to write to to the Leader, Muhammed Butt, and the Chief Whip of the Brent Council Labour Group,  condemning the way proceedings are being taken against Cllr John Duffy.

Duffy had complained in a letter to Labour Group members about the way Cllr Kabir, the Chief Whip, had threatened him with disciplinary action without giving him details of the charges or hearing his response. LINK


  1. Perhaps a FOI request should be made to find out how many witch hunts there have been against staff, which led to grievances and/or unfair disciplinary action - including what was the nature of the disciplinaries, were they fair and reasonable, how many took their case/s to a tribunal and what was the outcome of filing cases.

  2. Not staff but also Councillors.

  3. Let's hope that other branches of the Labour Party in Brent follow the action of Kilburn. These wicked people should not be allowed to get away with such unjust behaviour which flies in the face of Equalities.

    1. Equalities is just a word bandied about in Brent sad to say it doesn't mean anything

  4. It is time for Butt to be removed from office, if anybody has brought Brent into disrepute it is Butt and Davani.

  5. Someone submitted a comment asking about Cllr Tayo Oladapo, another Kilburn Labour councillor. There is a report going to Full Council tonight exempting him from the 5 month attendance rule due to his suffering ill-health since November 2014.
