Saturday 17 October 2015

Brent Central Labour reject Trident in boost for Corbynistas

After an address by Kate Hudson of CND and a debate, Brent Central Constituency Labour Party overwhelmingly voted against the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system.

This brings them into alliance with Jeremy Corbyn (and the Green Party).  The recent Labour Party Conference decided not to discuss the issue.


  1. Butt and Pavey yet to break their silence on the matter ..............
    Btw, is Brent still a nuclear-free zone? I'll sleep easier at night knowing it is.

  2. I am not aware that Brent ever altered its nuclear-free status, which probably accounts for why no nuclear missile has landed here. Of course our poor, beleaguered borough has had to content with many other horrors..........

    If our nuclear-free status were to change, would the council have to put up signs saying -

    'Brent - Nuclear Missiles Welcome Here', or some such............??

  3. As far as I know, Nan, not one single local authority which declared itself a nuclear-free zone in the 70s and 80s has ever been subject to nuclear attack. As it only costs a couple of borough boundary street signs and a press release, it works out somewhat cheaper than Trident and, adopted nationally, could be the answer to Jeremy Corbyn's search for an ethical defence policy and also a way of funding the NHS in perpetuity.
    Key thing, I suppose, would be getting permission to go ahead from President Trump.

    Mike Hine

  4. Martin, I find it funny and also slightly tragic that you think a Brent Central GC meeting, led by Michael Calderbank of all people, has any influence on the wider Labour Movement.

    1. The voice of the wider Labour Movement speaks ..............

    2. That comment really does say it all. The fact that a sitting Labour councillor can speak with such contempt of his local party is breathtaking. And, the fact that he also thinks his local party has no infuence on the "wider Labour movement" is what's truly tragic.

  5. "Of all people"! Anonymous troll above is clearly throwing a temper tantrum because Labour members want to be heard.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Michael, when are you going to put your money where your mouth is and stand for election?

    Or is a troll all you're ever going to amount to?

    1. I see a possible flaw in your argument, Anon ..........

    2. Hm. I think someone wishes to Stopp dissent, especially when it's Michael Calderbank, eh?
