Thursday 19 November 2015

Kensal Green's Bolder Voices sing the praises of the Freedom Pass. Yeh!

'Love that Freedom Pass' was officially launched today on You Tube. Sung by the Bolder Voices of Kensal Green  (aged 65-95) it celebrates the  contribution of the Freedom Pass to health, happiness and friendship - and takes on some of the criticism levelled at this 'perk' for older people.

Brimming with talent, warmth and humour this is a wonderful way to stand up for what you value!

Declaration of interest: I have a Freedom Pass...


  1. Bring in means-testing so rich pensioners can subsidise the working poor.

    1. I didn't fight two world wars and one world cup to hear this kind of thing, thank you very much!

  2. I think they are brilliant and are making the most of a little perk they so deserve, who wants to be stuck in the house all day when you still have your health and faculties to be able to travel about for free. I am still along way off from getting mine, I do hope they will still be around as you can sure bet I will use mine to the max.
    Respect to the Bolder Voices
