Friday 11 March 2016

10 year olds views on Brent - something positive for the weekend

These are some of the pieces of work produced by 10 year olds from Chalkhill Primary School asked to express what Brent to them in a workshop by Brent Housing Partnership's Stories of Brent.LINK

Amidst all the concern about children's well-being in the current over-demanding testing culture and the impact of austerity and the housing crisis, it is heartwarming to see the children's optimism and understanding of the really important things in life come shining through.

Something positive for the weekend.

Here's a teaser for the video BHP are making:


1 comment:

  1. From Stories of Brent (BHP)

    Thank you to Martin Roger Francis for sharing our post. The Stories of Brent film has many more positive stories like these - the unifying factor with all the diverse groups/ages we spoke to is that people do love where they live! They love Brent and are proud to be 'Brentonians' - we aim to build on this common strand to build a stronger community. The film will be released this summer and will be available to all via social media.
