Thursday 9 June 2016

Warning notices installed at Fulton Road/Olympic Way crossing after accident fears

Olympic Way southbound
Fulton Road westbound
Fulton Road westbound

Additional warning signs for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians have been installed on the Fulton Road, Olympic Way junction which was scene of a serious cycling accident last week.

Tony Kennedy, Head of Brent Highways and Infrastructure, had said that they had commissioned a consultants report on the junction to improve accessibility for all road users which should eb with the council by late July.

I suggested to Cllr Margaret McLennan that, meanwhile, before the summer peak, short-term measures needed to be taken so it was good to see the new notices today.

Anne Clements, Planning director, Quintain, told Cllr McLennan, 'We are committed to improving the junctions around our estate and we will be pleased to work with your officers, particularly reviewing Olympic Way / Fulton Road.'

 Brent Cyclcists have a letter in today's Kilburn Times calling for action.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe, when Quintain shareholders visit their Wembley 'estate' in future, they will be greeted like royal family members visiting the blitzed East End of London during WW2?

    Alan Wheatley
