Sunday 17 July 2016

Excellent turnout for Brent's first Walk for Change

Some of the walkers assemble at the start of the walk at Stonebridge Park Station

The first Brent Walk for Change got off to a great start today when a group, eventually more than 60 strong, completed an 11.5km (7 miles) walk from Stonebridge Park to Kingsbury following the River Brent to Wembley Park, and then on to the Welsh Harp via Chalkhill Park and St David's Close Open Space. The route then went to the Silver Jubilee Park in Kingsbury via the Welsh Harp and then on to Kingsbury Station via Fryent Country Park.

The children, some on scooters, did very well and the walk covered all ages up to pensioners and truly reflected Brent's diverse population.

Many of the walkers discovered parts of 'secret Brent' that they had never encountered before and marvelled at the green spaces that remain amidst all the industry and housing development. Many were particularly impressed by Chalkhill Park, which gave the children a welcome break, while others were charmed by Old St Andrew's Church and its graveyard.

The walk was aimed at raising sponsoryship for local voluntary organisation and those on the walk included Sufra Foodbank, the Scouts and Brent Friends of the Earth.

Tired but full of enthusiasm at Kingsbury Station

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on this Martin. Sadly I wasn't able to make it today but will be very keen to hear on future ones -including a rerun of this one. I think that with sufficient publicity you may find quite a lot of interest, particularly as other green spaces are threatened or lost.Public knowledge and use of these green connections will also help in attempts to prevent their loss.
    Hope to see you at the next.
