Tuesday 19 July 2016

Video: Green Party Leader & Deputy Leader Hustings

Voting will be from July 25th until August 25th. All members of the Green Party can vote.
Join or renew membership by July 24th to vote in the leadership elections LINK


  1. A question, perhaps, for Labour Party supporters: "Is the way the Labour Party NEC has changed the terms of voting rights an exploitation of vulnerable people?"

    And regarding the voting rights of people interested in becoming Green Party members at £5 unwaged rate, what is the latest date for them to sign up to become members with full voting rights for the current Green Party Leadership and Deputy Leadership elections?

    Alan Wheatley -- nearly 11 years a Green Party member

  2. As stated above join or renew by July 24th to vote in the leadership election.

  3. Yes, I did note the 24 July date when reblogging this. Green Party of England & Wales Leadership and Deputy Leadership Elections 2016

    Today's heat has blighted my concentration. I'm glad for my sake and that of society that I am neither a motorist or a cyclist under such conditions!

    Alan Wheatley
