Wednesday 14 September 2016

Brent Cabinet decision on Preston Library site - official Minute

The official account of Cabinet decisions taken has now been put on the Brent Council website. This is the Preston Park Annex/Preston Library site decision.


(i) Cabinet agreed Option 2: to purchase the adjacent land to deliver 19 new homes and D1 community use space.  
(ii) Cabinet allowed a 3 month period for the Council to negotiate with the adjacent landowner(s).
(iii) Cabinet delegated authority to the Strategic Director for Resources  in consultation with the Chief Legal Officer and Chief Finance Officer in respect of awarding any professional services contracts for developing Preston Park Annexe scheme proposals.

(iv) Cabinet agreed that officers, within a three month period, would bring back the results of negotiations, and a draft community library  strategy.
(v) Cabinet indicated its support for the redevelopment process.
(vi) Cabinet agreed that this further report would set out detailed plans, outcomes of consultation and investment requirements and the support to be given to PPCL (sic) during the period of development. The  report would also outline how D1 use will be secured in the development.

(vii) Cabinet indicated its clear commitment to weight procurement processes to social value rather than financial value


  1. Surely (i) should read that 'Cabinet agreed that its preferred option was Option 2'.

    You can't agree to purchase adjacent land that is not up for sale, particularly when that land is occupied by a business which appears to be a going concern.


  2. I don't understand which adjacent land they are trying to purchase. The Car lot?

    1. Yes. They haven't approached the owner yet and he was surprised when he heard about the proposal!

  3. I suggested that they reached an agreement with Quintain at Wembley Stadium to take some of the dozens of homes being built there. This area is already overcrowded with many houses of multiple occupation. The use of Preston Road station has increased year on year
    Why cram in 19 more dwellings here? It's already a nightmare with the amount of traffic. They will take no notice of residents' views and just impose their wishes.
