Thursday 1 December 2016

WANTED new political advisor for Butt and co

Following the resignation of Luke Francis, Cllr Butt and the Brent Labour Group of councillors will be looking for a new political advisor.

Francis (no relation) succeeded Jack Stenner, Richard Bell and Daniel Elton in the post.

Any suggestions for the Person Specification and essential skills/personal attributes?

As a reminder this is what the information pack for recruitment of a new CEO said about working with Cllr Butt:
  1. What is the Leader like to work with?
    • Generally pretty relaxed
    • Non-bureaucratic; informal and engaging
    • Prefers informal conversations to emails; likes personal, face to face
    • Likes people who just get on and deliver, and do what they say
    • Has an open-door policy; comfortable relating to staff, partners, business
      and the community
    • Comfortable with being checked and challenged re what he can do or what
      is possible
    • Trusts his gut instinct
    • A fulltime Leader of the Council – but not intrusive or interfering


  1. Councillor Butt is 'comfortable with being checked and challenged'?

    Then why has he never replied to questions I raised with him in 2015, challenging him over why he was still protecting Cara Davani and Christine Gilbert when he had known about their misconduct in the Rosemarie Clarke Employment Tribunal case since September 2014 (February 2015), or why he wrote an article in the Council's "Members' Information Bulletin" about that case which deliberately tried to mislead his fellow councillors over Cara Davani's role in the victimisation of Ms Clarke (August 2015)?

    If the Council Leader had ensured that Brent took action over Cara Davani in 2014, instead of covering up for her, Brent would not still be trying to clear up the mess from that Employment Tribunal case, with five local electors having objected to the Council's 2015/16 accounts in respect of the £157,610 pay-off to Ms Davani, and related matters.


  2. Interesting. I wonder if he couldn't cope with Butt's meddling like his immediate predecessor? Or if he was booted out for having the audacity to stand up to Butt, like his last-but-one predecessor?

  3. The last time I met Mo Butt I made him so relaxed he left the debate early and mistook a broom cupboard for the exit door. Should I follow my gut instinct and render an application? After all we do have things in common... Self-aggrandising tendencies and a sweet spot for Cllr Krupa Seth.

  4. Shame we we weren't at that discussion. We would have locked that door of the broom cupboard so fast with him in it and forgotten about him when we went home!!;;;;;
