Tuesday 11 April 2017

Northwick Park ward candidate selections

Candidates for Northwick Park for May 2018 council elections were chosen last night. Margaret McLennan, currently deputy leader of Brent Council, was selected along with Keith Perrin and Robert Johnson.

The selection assumed greater importance in the light of the One Public Estate proposal for Northwick Park LINK and it is not clear that the trio will be able to agree a common approach.


  1. The worst possible result in having Margaret McLennan as our candidate. She is not interested in the residents or community and has failed to support us regarding the opposition to Byron Court School expansion. No doubt she will push forward the proposed developments for Northwick Park open space and Vale Farm in spite of opposition.
    Strange that she wasn't going to stand in Northwick Park Ward and tried in another Brent ward but was rejected. She promptly slithered back to Northwick Park and was accepted. Surely this shows a real lack of committment to this community if she can change her mind on a whim?? We don't want her. We don't trust her. Thank goodness we still have Keith Perrin to fight our corner.

    1. Same story with Wilhelmina Mitchell-Murray (Wembley Central). How they both got selected is beyond me. Have the Labour candidates been that poor that we've had to resort to the devil(s) we know?

  2. Margaret McLennan still hasn't got the message. We don't want her here in Northwick Park to represent the aims and views of MoButt. She was supposed to represent the people of this Ward but that has never been her intention. She has been selected to push through the One Public Estate programme. If anyone is listening, she needs to be deselected immediately otherwise the backlash by local voters will take effect. Margaret tried to defect to Stonebridge knowing she was no longer welcome in Northwick Park. They rejected her underhanded ways and now she crawls back with the assistance of those with a vested interest in the OPE proposals. The Residents of Wembley need to unite to oust the vested interest group driving all these ruinous developments. Margaret do the decent thing and back out of the running before you lose the election.

    1. I agree with the brief comment below from Anonymous (11 April at 20:24).

      In the local elections next year, each elector can vote for up to three candidates in their Ward. You don't have to use all three votes, and even if you do, you don't have to use them all for candidates from the same political party.

      If you are registered to vote, then PLEASE DO use your precious votes to chose the candidate, or candidates, that YOU feel will serve you and your neighbours best as a local councillor for 2018 to 2022.

      Things don't have to be as bad at Brent Council as many feel they have been for the past few years, but the only way to bring about change is to vote for the best people we can (and NOT vote for those who have let Brent's residents down).


    2. I fully agree with Philip's comment above, although I was wrongly under the impression that you voted for groups of three candidates within a party. I have always tried to vote for candidates who appeared to work for their community and represented roughly my own general views. Voting along the lines suggested by Philip should enable us to rid this Borough of the dictatorship that currently exists. Unfortunately some councillors do bend under pressure from the Dictators by being more concerned about retaining their own positions in the general pecking order.

    3. I wonder if she'll have the gall to go round canvassing on the doorstep. If she does she might hear some home truths of what people now think of her.

  3. Robert Johnson, eh? Didn't he go down to the crossroads and sell his soul to the devil?
    Still, no problem picking him out when he enters the council chamber; he'll be the one with a hellhound on his trail.

    Mike Hine

    1. I don't know who Robert Johnson is - what do you know that I don't?

    2. http://www.biography.com/people/robert-johnson-9356324

  4. Well at least Keith Perrin is there to continue to work hard and represent the people of the ward.

    1. how many years he need to do good for ward
      even working 20 year life is bad in all parts of ward

  5. Don't want her, you don't have to vote for her.
