Monday 5 June 2017

'The air we breathe' special Brent meeting on July 6th

Brent Council and new coalition group, Clean Air for Brent, are inviting everyone to a high-profile public meeting "The Air We Breathe: how  pollution is affecting us and what we can do about it" at Brent Civic Centre, Thursday 6th July, 7-9pm. Speakers to include world-renowned health expert Sir Michael Marmot and Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London. Inter-active discussion with a panel and news of what we can do locally. Please join us.

Tickets can be booked here: Tickets for 'The Air we Breathe'
or using this URL HERE  Enquiries


  1. Surely they are having a laugh. As someone who lives very close to Wembley High Road, which at the moment has numerous building projects, the air quality must be zero, from all the dust and debri being emitted from these building sites, along with the heavily conjested traffic pollution. This is a not a joke, what they can do about this situation er i beg your pardon, nothing!!!. Why have a discussion. They gave planning permission, they allow the area to become heavily conjested with Traffic. It is only going to get worse and Brent Council do not care about the residents of this neighbourhood, otherwise they would not do this. stop pretending to care. if you did care you would not allow this situation to happen in the first instance. Many people have breathing problems due to this. Dust, contaminants from cars, affect everyone. Why attend a meeting to have people pay lip service when council don't care.

    1. People like you Anon, who lives close to Wembley High Road & really cares like that should be standing for the Greens.

      If you wish to represent your community - please get in touch with us. We'll give you all the support you need to make a difference.


      Scott Bartle. Secretary of Brent Green Party.
