Monday 20 November 2017

Why NLWA originally opposed the resiting of the Cricklewood dump - has anything changed?

In her submission to Barnet Council on the proposed waste transfer facility on the Edgware Road LINK, Alison Hopkins mentioned the North London Waste Authority's orginal opposition to the resiting.

For information here is their original objection:

1 comment:

  1. Two paragraphs from this evidence sum up why the proposed re-siting of the Cricklewood waste transfer station MUST NOT be allowed to go ahead:-

    '5.4 The [existing] Hendon RTS [Rail Transfer Station] is accessed exclusively through an industrial area and is a rail based facility, whereas the Replacement Facility will be accessed from roads passing people’s homes and does not have access to a railway siding which will result in very significant traffic impacts in and around the Replacement Facility on residential and mixed-use properties.'

    '5.9 However, given the access to the Replacement Facility off the Edgware Road and its close proximity to sensitive users (including a new residential development currently being constructed adjacent to the Replacement Facility) and limitations within the proposed design, NLWA has very real concerns about the design of the Replacement Facility and its ability to effectively prevent these impacts on nearby local receptors.'

    Nothing has changed on these points since the North London Waste Authority evidence in August 2017. Brent Council should be supporting Alison and other local residents, and should actively oppose this "dump" on its border.

