Thursday 1 February 2018

'Blazing row' at Aggregates Consultation ahead of Planning Committee discussion next week

--> It was not a good day for Capita yesterday. Their share price dived and Barnet Unison sought assurances regarding their workers from Barnet Council. Then Capita employees had to meet the angry residents of Dollis Hill alone when planners and Barnet councillors did not turn up at the consultation on the proposed aggregate superhub. A full account of the meeting is available on the Times series site HERE
Residents were not impressed:

Capita, left alone to buffer Barnet Council from the angry public, told the crowd at The Crown that the waste transfer site is owned by the public sector so we can have confidence in it. Oh, the irony! EasyCouncil is now Mike Freer’s Frankenstein monster.

Anne Clarke

The Capita team at last night PR event to promote Barnet rubbish and aggregates facilities. I actually felt sorry for them. No Childs Hill councillors as ever.

Cllr Lia Colacicco   

As I left the so called consultation meeting tonight, someone asked me if I thought Barnet were incompetent or lying. 

I think if their lips move, they’re lying and they are at the competence level of a single celled organism. 

An utter shambolic mess. I got here at six, and the previous presentation, or should I say blazing row, was still going. It blended nicely into the following one. 

Apparently the way Barnet propose to ensure no lorries enter Dollis Hill is that we all need to report them. Oh, and if there’s some kind of disaster at the dump, there’ll be a phone number to report it, too. 

Toys went out the pram bigly.

Alison Hopkins

Meanwhile the agenda for the Barnet Planning Committee for February 8th has been published LINK and the Superhub recommended for approval.  bAny resolution by the Planning Committee is subject to direction by the London Mayor.

I embed below the Officers’ responses to the consultation submissions:

1 comment:

  1. I've just posted this elsewhere.

    I got there at about six: had planned to be in the seven o'clock presentation but the five was still going on!

    NO ONE in Dollis Hill was notified by Barnet and their communication was lousy. I know for a fact I'm on their lists. Although, that may have been a deliberate omission on their part.

    Lia was there. She's a councillor for Mapesbury, but more importantly, has been involved in fighting Brent Cross for as long as I have, which is over a decade. We were founder members of the Coalition against it, which was, back then, cross party. Unfortunately, some of those concerned seem to have dropped out, especially Brent Council themselves. Indeed, Brent now supports far too much of all this. Note : those who have dropped out include Navin Shah and Dawn Butler, who've said nothing on the issues.

    I didn't see any Dudden Hill councillors.

    I didn't see the Dollis councillor Jill saw, I don't think, but he's been on Twitter, and seems to think the Super hub and WTF are the same thing. (!) Talk about late to the party.

    I spoke to another councillor (Mahmood) who seemed to think objecting was a waste of time, as "it got passed in 2009 so what was the point". There IS a point, we can defeat things. Hell, I think we killed the incinerator. And isn't it interesting that Barnet now CALL it that, having always denied it was?

    Said councillor asked what else could be done, I said Judicial Review. I bet we could raise the money. He also asked why Brent have back pedalled: much of that is because they didn't want Barnet to object to the LDO and other developments. It is also because the relationship between Brent and Barnet is entirely too cosy for anyone's good.

    One of the councillors has stated in that newspaper report that Barnet ought to give Brent money. They seem unaware that Brent, back in the day when they properly opposed, asked for five million. They've been promised a sop amount to consult on a CPZ across Dollis Hill, which, as I say, councillors seem unaware of.

    Councillors are also unaware of the fact that Brent support the road layout changes. But again, even BARNET stated that Brent does!

    What I was banging on about, again, was the right turn into Humber. Yes, I live here, but this isn't parochial. Allowing a right into Humber spreads traffic ALL the way across Dolllis Hill. Coles Green, Crest, Dollis Hill Lane, the lot. Hardwick, from Barnet, described the road as the industrial area, which is yet another indicator that the muppets have never even been here. We, like most of Dollis, are a lorry ban zone.

    Back in 2012, I got Brent Higways down to look at how we could do the traffic lights on the Edgware Road. Barnet, by the way, opposed those. We talked at length about making Oxgate LANE the first right turn. It's very wide indeed, all industrial and demarcates the boundary of our small industrial area. I pushed and poked at Barnet to listen on that. Have they ever? Have they hell. And Brent have given up on it. Brent's officers now support the right turn,, which is utter madness.
