Wednesday 11 April 2018

Hurry to tell the FA about how Spurs at Wembley has impacted on you

From Danes and Empire Court Residents' Association

We have been asked by the FA to provide feedback to a study they are conducting on the impact of Wembley Stadium, and of Spurs on the local area, London and the Nation. Specifically, they would like input on the questions below, so please provide your feedback AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (i.e. before Friday) as we will be meeting at this point.

What are the positive and negative impacts of Wembley on local residents and local businesses, and your views on the impacts of Wembley stadium with a focus on Tottenham Hotspur, and whether there have been any positive or negative developments as a result of the increased occupation?

What has been done since the start of the season to address any negative issues and how that has worked out?

What future initiatives you would like to see in place for the benefits of local stakeholders?

Answer the Questions HERE before Friday 13th April.

Incidentally this is a comment on the Stadium made in 1986 by a nine year old as part of the Domes Day project (see side panel):
Sometimes I hate Wembley Stadium  because when there is an event like a match on there are nearly always hooligans hanging about.   I live near the Stadium and nearly  every Saturday there’s a match on and lots of people hang about the “Harrow   Tavern”, which is a public house in  front of our house.  I hope that Wembley Stadium buy  security cameras to catch all the hooligans.   The time when I like Wembley is when   there are no hooligans and the match is a friendly game. Concerts like the Live Aid one are held there as well. Next to Wembley Stadium, in the car park, there is a market which is held every Sunday. H.P.( Aged 9yrs)



  1. I've sent my piece to them & all of it completely negative. Complete waste of time I'm sure but I had 5 minutes spare so I thought I'd say my bit even though it will go straight into their recycle bin of that I'm certain.

  2. I have also commented, however it is nothing I haven't said before and have little faith in anything changing anytime soon. My biggest gripe is that many fans have a total lack of respect for local residents, homes and environment. When complaining of anti-social behaviour which includes drinking,brawling and using every doorway, alleyway, fence and wall as a public toilet, the response is "well you choose to live here you must be used to this by now", this put up or shut up approach is totally unacceptable and one I will never get used to. I would like that the Police and Local Authority adopt a Zero Tolerance approach, fine and enforce the laws, if this was a Royal Borough such as Kensington and Chelsea or Richmond this happens, and is consistent with any event.

  3. I am a 55 year old Wembley resident, I have lived in Wembley all my life and I have also attended all the Spurs home matches at Wembley Stadium this season - I must say that I am very surprised by your comments as I have not witnessed any of the "drinking, brawling and using every doorway, alleyway, fence and wall as a public toilet".

    What I have seen is fans behaving well, spending their money in the our local shops and restaurants and bars, boosting our local economy.

    I have witnessed fans placing rubbish in the new litter bins that Spurs paid for.

    I also enjoyed the Wembley High Road Christmas lights that Spurs sponsored.

    I say all of this as a life-long Chelsea fan who has greatly enjoyed attending Premier League football matches in my ‘home town’

    On the other hand I witness on a daily basis the littering, fly tipping and paan spitting blighting our local streets, all courtesy of our beloved local residents who continue to get away with this anti-social behaviour due to poor enforcement by Brent Council officers.

    Wembley has never looked so bad – stop attacking the football fans and start holding our own local residents and Brent Council to account.

  4. When will Brent Council consult residents inconvenienced by all the extra Event days and parking restrictions about Chelsea taking over from Spurs at Wembley for the 2019/2020 season and beyond. Is it because the Labour Councillors who dropped the original condition on the number of events to accommodate Spurs do not want this issue to blow up before voting takes place on 3 May?
