Wednesday 2 May 2018

Police asked to probe Brent Tory candidate death rumours

Richard Osley LINK is reporting that Brent Conservatives have asked police to investigate rumours being spread that one of their candidates in tomorrow's council election has died.

Unfortunately this comes after the death of Labour candidate Lesley Jones resulting in a delay in the Willesden Green election.

The Brent Returning Officer has asked election agents to remind candidates that the spreading of false statements about a candidate is an illegal practice. 

In addition alleged malpractice in the filling in of postal votes has been reported to police in Dollis Hill ward.


  1. Alison Hopkins2 May 2018 at 16:10

    I've got the memo from Carolyn Downs.

  2. So have I Alison but reluctant to touch this pile of excrement with a barge pole.

  3. Now who would try to benefit from claiming a Tory was dead...

  4. Is this why there are no willesden green polling stations?

  5. Sorry posted without reading that a candidate had passed away.

  6. No connection. The Willesden Green ward election has been postponed due to the death of Lesley Jones, a Labour candidate for the ward. A new date has not yet been announced.
