Thursday 28 June 2018

CHANGE OF VENUE & TIME: Brent Stands Up to Trump! July 7th Harlesden TAVISTOCK HALL 12.30pm

Brent Momentum, Brent Stand Up to Racism, Brent Central Labour Party and Brent Stop the War  are holding a meeting from 12.30pm - 2.30pm  Tavistock Hall  25 High Street
London NW10 4NE
  on Saturday July 7th to organise support for the demonstration on Friday July 13th when Donald Trump comes to the UK.

Speakers include:

Cllr Muhammed Butt (Leader, Brent Council)

Sabby Dhalu (National Co-Convenor, Stand up to Racism)

Ian Hodson (McStrike/ President, Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union)
Shaka Lish (Brent Green Party & Greens of Colour)
Seema Chandwani (Haringey TUC)
Mary Adossides (Chair, Brent Trades Council)
The organisers are at pains to emphasise that attendance on July 7th is not restricted to Labour Party members.  Free places can be booked HERE

Tavistock Hall is 8 minutes walk from Willesden Junction or Harlesden stations. 18, 260, 266, 206 buses.


  1. Dear Brent Central Labour,
    Kids are dying on the streets of Brent.
    It's convenient for you to have a bad guy across the sea to virtue signal against,
    as it means you don't have have to cast an eye to the resolving the abhorrent policy failures that have resulted in kids dying on the streets of Brent.
    Did any of you ever read the interview with the mother of the boy who killed for the murder of schoolboy Quamari Serunkuma-Barnes? The following is a quote:

    "She complained and lobbied. Emails received no response. It was around this time she first appealed to her MP to HELP ME SAVE MY SON!!!!. Further emails to Brent council over the next couple of years carried subject lines including “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH” and “UTTER DISAPPOINTMENT”.

    “Every time my son gets in trouble it’s for something more and more sinister,” she recalls telling them in one meeting. “So you’re waiting for something to be broken that can’t be fixed in order to come to some kind of resolution. I’m asking you to prevent the item from breaking.”

    Taken from -

    It's abhorrent and heart-breaking. This is a situation that you have power to change. You don't have power to do anything about Trump unless you are American.

    Dear 'Brent stand up to racism',
    The migration policies of Trump are abhorrent,
    But where's the public meeting / protest about migration policies that all of us are actually complicit with? More people have died on the borders of Fortress Europe than Apartheid. The Guardian published the latest body count the other day.

    Successive American governments may have put kids in cages,
    yet the border policies EU (of which we are complicit) leave kid to drown in the med.
    Remember the stark images of little Alan Kurdi who washed up on the beach?

    Dear Brent Stop The War,
    Well Trump did - with North Korea.
    Yet you stand at a meeting with Labour - the party that brought us the IRAQ War (despite protest against it) and are responsible for the creation of ISIS?
    Labour, along with Tories who have had a special relationship with Turkey, turning a blind eye to genocidal activities or Labour along with tories who sell arms to Saudi Arabia.


  2. Excellent points Scott!! Mr Butt & Mayor Khan should worry more about home issues happening right here in our own back yard yet instead they use Trump's visit to deflect all the crap that's happening in Brent & London in general! Shame on all the people who have nothing better to do except criticise Trump's visit!

  3. We have to care about overt racist practices around the world.We in Britain have a history of protesting against inhuman treatment of people because of their race,colour,sexual orientation,religious practices and those sold into slavery.Trump has to learn that the British people dislikes his criticism of how our Government manage our public affairs and more glaringly that his criticism of our Mayor of London makes him a persona non grata.MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is the most racist slogan of any modern day politican.I will be there to protest at his visit.The Leader of Brent Council ,by his planned attendance next Saturday, shows that he cares about those who has been denigrated by the actions of a Moron in the White House.

  4. Hilarious change of time and venue. Variation on "when this pub closes". Just as well England aren't playing when Trump is here....

  5. And all Sadiq Khan can think of is playing with balloons of Trump while the young are slaughtering each other. I thought he had a target at the beginning of the year to reduce knife crime in the capital but failed to meet his target before spring had sprung. He should concentrate on his job of running London and leave global politics to the grown ups. Keep puffing hot air into your balloon Mr Khan, you have plenty of it to spare.
