Monday 9 July 2018

Council estate residents may have to pay £85 annual parking charge

Brent Housing Scrutiny Committee will discuss a report at its June 12th meeting on the possible introduction of off-street parking controls on its estates which would mean residents paying £85 rather than the current £10 annual charge.

The report says controls are need because of parking issues on many of its estates and has chosen five of the worst affected for a consultation. They are:

Alexander Court
Landua House
Joules House
Windmill Court
Seymour Court

The charge has been aligned with the current Controlled Parking Zone charge of £85 but would not be subject to the complex arrangements for that charge.

During consultation tenats, lease holders and owner occupiers on the estates will be asked to choose from:
  • Preferred type of parking control
  • Preferred hours of control
  • Areas that wil be included
  • No parking controls
If  approved the arrangements would be implemented in early April next year.


  1. Yet another money making venture for the Council. Residents, don't be fooled in thinking that the cost of £85 will stop there. I wouldn't mind betting that it will increase again after a year.

  2. On another parking issue, could you please cover the potential replacement/change to the Event Day permits? Rumours are the Council are going to force people to get three-yearly permits rather than the "permit for life" that people bought.

    Can you please give some more coverage of the issue and also whether there is any legal standing to do this?

  3. The permit for life doesn't sound practical?

    Parking is a huge issue with new developments - with all the transport links mentioned to mitigate the effect of more people in the area, they should only allow people who do not and will not (providing assurance in some way) own a car to move in. When you go from Alperton Station towards Sainsbury's there are always cars parked on the left hand side by the newer canal developments meaning a usual 3 lane road is forced into a 2 lane bottleneck. More needs to be done!!

    1. New developments don't get the right to the permits.

      For example, in Wembley Park, the new Quintain buildings have no right to get a permit. The permits were designed to protect existing residents.

    2. I'm not just talking about permits - general off-street parking. There are hardly any parking facilities in the new high rise developments that have come into the area, meaning those residents park anywhere and everywhere. I think there's only a single yellow line in the example I mentioned.

  4. By any chance do you mean Alexandra Court on Empire Way instead of Alexander Court?

    1. I have checked the report and it says Alexander - but may be a typo in the document?
