Wednesday 23 January 2019

Litter at Wembley Stadium is far from a new problem it seems

Guest post by Philip Grant
One of the reasons given by objectors to the recent planning application, to increase the number of higher capacity Tottenham Hotspur football matches at Wembley Stadium, was the widespread littering associated with these matches. It is not a new problem, as this extract from the copy of an article (kindly given to me by a fellow Wembley History Society member) shows:
‘The photograph printed on this page shows the amount of “clearing-up” that is necessary after the public has paid a visit to the Stadium at Wembley. One of the criticisms of Wembley last year was of the shocking untidiness of the visitors, and day after day a number of men who might have been more profitably employed in other ways had to spend a considerable time in getting rid of the rubbish that had been left behind.’
(The article was on “The Editor’s Page” of “The Boy’s Own Annual”, in 1925!)


  1. I have no idea why Quintain and the FA do not use temporary Large recycling bins scattered around the Stadium labelled Cans, Bottles, Food Waste etc. In many countries I have visited Sporting events and Stadiums which adopt this at big events. Visitors to Wembley due use the bins in the high road but often they fill to capacity very quickly. If this type of rubbish collection is adopted I do believe fans would use them as they have no excuse, but when nothing is provided what do you expect. Around the SSE Arena is particularly bad on event days.

  2. Bring back "Keep Britain Tidy"!!!
