Thursday 7 February 2019

Brent Momentum: 'Dismay' over Labour Council's failure to implement national policy

Brent Momentum's first bulletin issued today hits the nail on the head as far as a critique of the  Labour Council goes - I would have added more on planning and the Council's failure to secure sufficient truly affordable housing in new developments and the Council's proposal for a further reduction in Council Tax Support.


  1. These might do well with being signed off by their authors as remembering the photos of the first Brent Momentum meeting, Cllr Butt was in attendance. Is he criticising himself?

    1. Are you thinking of the Brent Uncut meeting where Butt was a guest speaker and roundly criticised by Michael Calderbank for managing the cuts rather than fighting them? The criticism remains basically the same now. I was also in attendance as a guest speaking about education.

    2. The meeting was nearly 3 years ago, March 2016.
