Tuesday 12 March 2019

Barry Gardiner to address Momentum-Trades Council-Peoples' Assembly meeting on austerity on Thursday

Barry Gardiner MP has agreed to speak to Thursday's meeting on austerity.  With the political situation so fluid (this has been written at 16.20 on Tuesday) a General Election may have been announced by Thursday!


  1. Isn't Barry meant to be in parliament for some sort of important vote this evening???

    1. I wasn't able to go to the above meeting as I had a session at Brent Civic Centre but BG did attend so I assume he was paired with a Conservative.

  2. Comment recieved by email from Mary Adossides of Brent Trades Council: Barry Gardiner arrived late as he had his parliamentary duties to attend to. He spoke well of the need for a change of government and of the transformative nature of Labour's manifesto 'for the many not the few'. There were excellent contributions from Kiri Tunks from the NEU who spoke of poverty in schools, with children arriving at their school without having had breakfast and schools relying on donations to fund essential resources. Eddie Dempsey called for unity against austerity which has increased the wealth of the few to the detriment of the many. Ronnie Draper talked of the need for trade unions to grow and of the impressive campaigns of workers in the catering industry for union recognition and better pay. Cllr Jumbo Chan commented on the need for Brent Council to change direction and adopt a radical approach. This could include not selling off land to private developers. There were excellent contributions from the floor including from a representative from Stand Up to Racism who reminded the audience of the demonstration on 16th March against racism. In line with comments from Ramona McCartney from the Peoples Assembly, Brent Trades Council with other local organisations and local unions including Brent Momentum will meet on 11th April to set up a Brent Campaign against Austerity.
