Thursday 16 May 2019

Day after Bobby Moore Bridge mural article is published Brent Council issue planning notice

Coincidence or the power of Philip Grant's article?

The day after Philip's article was published on Wembley Matters  regarding the planning application for the Bobby Moore Bridge at the end of Olympic Way (below Bridge Road)  the site notice above (dated 15/05/19)  was posted by Brent Council.

You will see that it gives a deadline of June 5th for comments.

1 comment:

  1. The "proposal" which this notice sets out is actually for the planning application 19/1387, which the case officer for that one told me they were not obliged to give public notice of.

    Application 19/1474, which this notice is meant to give details of, is an advertising consent application (although that is not clear from the "proposal" details shown). Its case officer says that doesn't matter, because anyone who looks at the details for 19/1474 on Brent's Planning website will find that out.

    As the Planning Site Notice, which was attached to a lamp post on Bridge Road, not on Olympic Way or where anyone passing through the subway would see it, was not displayed until 16 May, the closing date for comments on application 19/1474 is now Thursday 6th June.
