Tuesday 5 November 2019

Protest to save Roe Green infants-Strathcona jobs 4pm tonight Brent Civic Centre

Cllr Butt addresses staff and parents at an earlier demonstration against closure
Following the Brent Labour Cabinet's decision to go ahead with the closure of the Strathcona site of Roe Green Infants School the battle has now shifted to saving the jobs of school workers. The two sites are run as one school so everyone is affected by potential redundancy although Gail Tolley, Strategic Director, has said that she does not expect compulsory redundancies.

To ensure that jobs are not loss NEU members will be demonstrating outside Brent Civic Centre at 4pm today.

Gail Tolley told a meeting of Chairs and Vice Chairs of governors last week that at least two neighbouring boroughs were closing primary schools due to falling pupil numbers and several primary schools in Brent that had expanded with new build were now going to reduce their numbers by one form of entry.

1 comment:

  1. '... several primary schools in Brent that had expanded with new build were now going to reduce their numbers by one form of entry.'

    This just shows that the over-expansion of Byron Court, which Mo Butt forced through in 2016 despite the very strong reasoning of local residents and Barry Gardiner M.P., that the site and location were unsuitable, was unnecessary, and a waste of money.

    Another bad decision, just like the decisions to close Roe Green Strathcona and to allow a new Ark Primary Academy to be built on the York House car park.

    Are Brent's Leader and his cohorts competent to make such important decisions?
